Hello Pretty People,
It’s time to address a problem that I have not only experienced, but overcome. I want to talk about the stigma girls in today’s society live with, which is the expectation to look beautiful and perfect. We are constantly competing with the girls around us, and honestly, I couldn’t tell you why we do it. It’s something we have watched our mothers and grandmothers do, and now we have carried it into our daily lives. It’s not like we wake up and automatically think “oh I have to look better than this girl”; but instinctively, we are quick to judge other girls.
I do this thing where I try to smile at everyone I pass, and you’d be surprised on how many dirty looks I get from girls. Most of the time, I think it is because I throw them off guard. It is just so natural for us to expect other girls to be mean to us, when in reality, we should be empowering each other. Girls have beautiful minds that work wonders but we constantly underestimating ourselves. Girls are often too worried about what someone else is saying rather than just not caring. These statements I am making are “in general” and given from my own experience of being a girl. I know everyone’s perspectives are different.
In the past year, I have faced a great deal of change and my life has been this transitioning period. Transitioning from this negative outlook I once had, to my new perspective that sees the power and beauty in every individual. A year ago, I walked around worrying about what others where thinking of me; was I enough for them? I went to cheer practicing knowing I would never be as small as the other girls, no matter how hard I tried. I let every little thing bother me because I was so worried about who I should be. This outlook not only made me see myself in a negative way, but it also made me look at others in a negative way. I knew that I had to change, and since then I have been slowly becoming a person I want to be. One that I am proud of.
First off, you have the power to change your life. If you don’t like something, change it! Don’t make excuses.
But, most importantly, do not stop loving yourself in the process. Change is good, it give us new perspectives and teaches us lessons. But, trying to become someone you’re not is an endless battle you will not win. This post today is for the girls out there that are stuck in this position where they think they are not enough and their beauty must meet society’s standards. Your beauty is unique and it is in fact, beautiful. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, this may make you feel worse for a moment but hear me through.
Just because one person has an opinion about you, does not mean that their opinion is valid. What others think or say about you, does not define who you are. You define who you are when you wake up in the morning and make the decision to be the best version of yourself.
Girls need to stop competing with each other and start encouraging each other. I cannot say this enough, but once we realize this, we will find peace with one another. The girl hate will vanish!
After struggling with my own body image, I know what it is like to feel this way. I am here to tell you as my reader that you are enough, others opinions do not define you and your happiness is up to you. I cannot stress these three things enough because I know that they are the main reason you feel the way you do. When you place your happiness in the hands of others, you can’t expect it to be your own kind of happiness. When you let others opinions define you, you are letting their words rule you. You have to take charge of your own life. When you can understand that you are amazing without the thoughts and opinions of others, you will begin to live a life you love.
Thank you all for reading today! I really had to express my thoughts on this topic because I know the struggle of body image. Understand that you have to put yourself first and take care of not only your body, but your mind and spirit. It all works together. Just focus on being the best version of yourself and doing things that ultimately make you happy, the rest will follow. Worrying about others actions or thoughts will only slow down your progress, and ain’t nobody got time for that. Life’s short, just live it! Thank you all.
Much Love.
xo, Lyss
Quote of the Day: