Hello Pretty People,

The other morning I attended a Women’s Leadership breakfast where a panel of accomplished women spoke on various topics. It was a very inspiring talk and it really resonated with me. The way these women took on difficult challenges to get in the positions they are in today was completely motivating.

As I listened and discussed with the women around me, I immediately thought of Pretty, Young & Motivated. I created this blog to empower other women. I want my writing to be a tool for you. A place you come when you need to be inspired and motivated. My passion is inspiring other women to realize their full potential.

During this breakfast, we discussed what leadership means to each of us. I think being a leader means you chose to be vulnerable. To be a leader, you must be willing to take the first step, even when it’s scary or uncomfortable. Leaders are the people who make everyone else comfortable. Leaders set examples, they are role models for a group or community. Leaders also empower others. They do not compete and they do not judge.

Real Talk

Ladies…I know we tend to be a little judgmental from time to time. Our society has taught us to compete with one another rather than empower each other. I know we feel like we have to compete with each other but guess what? If another female accomplishes something, that does not mean you cannot do the same. It may just not be the right timing for you. If you see a beautiful girl, that does not lessen your beauty.

Flowers are beautiful, but so are sunsets and they are nothing alike. 

Remember this. Flowers don’t stop growing just because the flower next to them is taller. Everyone is on their own journey and we all will experience different things in life.

The Point

Don’t compete with other women. You are still great. We are all great in our own ways. At this point of time, women need to stand together. As we move into the future, we are filling more leadership roles and defying traditions. Be who you want to be and take what is yours. Competing with other women will not benefit you or them. It really just defeats the process of creating more opportunities for women.

We rise together!

Females are strong, beautiful creatures. We are passionate and we listen to our hearts. Although this can be seen as sensitive by some, I believe following your heart creates more intentional actions. Passion will create more than plans ever will.

So, take initiative to be a leader for those around you. Men and women. Stand up for what you believe in. Women have enough critics, so offer compliments instead. Compliment their strength or bravery. Focus on the qualities of people. If we respect one another, it will set an example for others to do the same.

As females, it’s our job to stand up for one another. Together we are stronger.

xo, Lyss