Hello Beautiful Souls,
Sometimes it’s hard to love ourselves fully. We all have bad days where we wake up feeling low. Lately I have been very busy, and as much as I enjoy being busy, it catches up to you. You forget to enjoy the small things and worry too much about what’s next. As you can probably notice, this has impacted my blogging too! Blogging is my way of being creative; it takes my thoughts and feelings about life and puts them into perspective for others to read and connect with. After taking some time off, I have realized it’s not always about consistency. Life is what you make it and to be honest, everyday won’t be amazing and extravagant, but everyday is a new chance to make it amazing and extravagant. Don’t lose sight of your goals when your stuck in that in-between.
If we always lived in the high moments of life, we would not appreciate life as much; the lows allow us to step back, adjust our perspectives and try again. The lows in life make us thankful for the highs. Too often we set ourselves to high standards that are not always obtainable. “Always be on time” “take 16 credits instead of 13” “Work two jobs” “post a blog post 3 times a week”.
No, no & no.
You do not have to do what society tells you to do because that’s when you become normal and you become everyone else. Society is not you. You are in charge of your feelings and thoughts, you must take care of yourself. Listen to what your soul wants. Take breaks, find a new inspiration, quit that second job, try something new. Do what YOU have to do, not what society wants you to do.
Blogging is how I share my thoughts with the world and whether 1,000 people read my posts or just one, my point is not to become famous or make money, it’s to create articles that resonate with just one person. If one person reads my post and it some how helps or inspires them, that’s all that matters to me. I obviously want to create posts for all types of people to read, but I’m done forcing unauthentic posts. I don’t write for followers or likes, I write to help other women (& sometimes men) feel inspired and empowered to be there own boss and take control of their lives. I’m no expert on life but I am an expert on being one of you: a human-being, aimlessly walking this earth and finding a purpose for this thing we call “life”.
Stop forcing things that are fake or unauthentic; whether it’s your style, personality or hobbies. Don’t create something just to fit in or appease others, do it for yourself and do it with purpose. Life is too short to be a copy of someone else.
My new goal is to post when it feels right, I will work on posting more frequently, but I will not force myself to write a post just to post it. Just like life is not consistent, my writing probably won’t be either. I want to provide worthy content for my readers and I want to make it worth my time in the process. I am sorry for taking such a long break from posting but I hope you understand. This blog is important to me because it is my way to express my feelings and thoughts, as well as reach out to those who need inspiration and motivation. Though I have been very busy, I am missing being able to take time to just write. I plan to take time each week to write for my blog and for myself.
Don’t get caught up in things that distract you from what you love. Once again, it’s okay to take a break. Every successful person must experience breaks, failures and challenges to become successful. These moments allow us to learn and grow. Thank you for sticking around during my break and as I always say…