Hello Beautiful Babes,

Yesterday I visited a local park, intending to get a workout in; However, I found myself just in my thoughts and listening to music in the grass. It was actually super peaceful and much needed.

It wasn’t a sad moment at all, it was actually this moment of realization and self awareness. I’m at a really weird and difficult point in my life. In 3 weeks time, I will be an official college graduate and off to actual adulting. The scary part is I do not have any clue what the future holds…

I have been applying to many jobs across the U.S. but still nothing has been solidified. There are lots of opportunities unfolding and it’s a super exciting time in my life, but also very uncomfortable and scary. If you are a recent grad or even just someone who is making a huge life transition, you get it.

I guess it’s weird because in 2-3 months my life will be almost completely different than it is now and I have no idea what that will entail. I’ll be beginning my adventure into true adulthood. From getting my first big girl job to finding a new home, this is a time filled with lots of happiness and some pressure. There is lots to be learned and lots to be discovered. The journey is rocky but I’m looking forward to the climb!

So, why am I telling you this?

They always talk about how when one door closes another one opens, but they don’t always talk about the hallway between those two points. Some hallways are longer than others and it can be a scary place to be. But, the hallway to your next door of opportunity doesn’t have to be dark and scary, it can be transformative and empowering.

As I said, if you are also going through this period of your life, you understand the weirdness. The best advice I got for undergoing a huge life transition is to just live through it. Let the weirdness resonate with you and motivate you towards your goals. You can’t stop the waves but you can learn to surf…use this time to learn to surf.

Trust me, I know the unknown can be intimidating and scary. The future is my biggest stressor and I am constantly catching myself being anxious about things I cannot control. Yesterday, my boyfriend made a wonderful suggestion on how to deal with my anxiety about the future – he suggested that I make a list of the things I can and cannot control.

Doing so helps you evaluate what is in your control and up to you, and it also helps you understand the things you have no power over. It’s easy to get caught in between these two sometimes and become overwhelmed with the uncontrollable things.  We are human and we’d like to think we control everything that comes our way. Sadly, that is not the case.

If you are experiencing this transition in your life, just allow yourself to grow and discover. Use the time to become a better version of yourself and make connections within your network. Don’t fear the unknown, get excited that you have a blank canvas right in front of you. You currently have the power to create whatever life you want. All you have to do is make the decision to try. Every move you are making is leading you to the next thing, this is your time to become confident in who you are and learn to live through discomfort.

You may not be where you want to be at this moment, but if you take that energy you put into worrying about that and creating negative thoughts, you can propel yourself closer to where you want to be. I’m guilty of wanting results right now, but I sometimes have to remove that pressure and hectic vibe to realize not everything is meant to be in my life RIGHT NOW.

I challenge you to create a list of things you can control and things you cannot control. Analyze it and decide if you are allowing the uncontrollable factors to rule you and your mental capacity.

Thank you for reading PYM. I apologize for not creating consistent content this summer but I always strive to provide my readers with relevant and authentic topics. Hope this helps!

xo, Lyss