Hi PYM friends, It’s been a long time since I’ve just sat down to write a post. I’ve been so focused on posting everyone else’s content and trying to grow PYM that I’ve neglected my love for blogging and writing to you all. This platform truly blossomed from my passion for blogging, it’s so magical […]
Finding My Authentic Self
Be your authentic self. While that statement is incredibly empowering, it’s also terrifying to me. For the longest time I had no idea what that meant. I genuinely did not know who I was. To be completely honest, I’m still learning who I am. Being my authentic self, not only means being true to myself […]
Healthy is a mindset, not a body type.
You move your body. You make sure to get up off your butt each day and do something. You walk, run, lift, bike, swim in the lake or maybe your movement is simply vacuuming the house. You also fuel yourself adequately. You eat when you are hungry. You balance out your macronutrients (fats, carbs, proteins) […]
Loving Yourself Takes Time
Hello there lovely people! I hope you all have been up to so many amazing things lately. I have been keeping pretty busy lately which has been a blessing and a curse. I love to keep busy and have my mind occupied, but sometimes I run into the problem of not focusing on myself. I […]
Regaining Self-Worth After a Breakup
This summer, I fell into my first committed relationship since my physically and emotionally abusive ex. I went in with high hopes and a belief that I was healed from my first major heartbreak. I had done the counseling, I had learned how to self-soothe and the flashbacks were fewer and further in between. I […]