Hello Beautiful Humans, I cannot believe PYM is 2 years old now. I’ve owned my blog for almost 3 years in total, and October 3rd marks the second year of Pretty, Young & Motivated. I started my blog out as Somewhere Between Vogue & Van Gogh, which consisted of art and fashion type posts. However, […]
I Decide My Vibe.
Hello Babes, Yesterday, I was feeling a little bit anxious. Actually a lot of bit anxious. Let’s be real here! I feel like lots of things have been going amazing in my life, which is great. However, there will always be things there to pull you down. I mean that’s just life, ya know? So, […]
Patience, A Key to Success
Hello Beautiful People, Patience… If I’m being honest, this is something I lack. I’m always expecting things to happen fast, no time wasted. When in reality, this is not realistic. I’m working on that though. I’ve always believed everything happens for a reason and it will all make sense at some point, but then the […]
“Easy for You to Say, You’re Skinny”
Hello Beautiful Babes, I’ve heard this line many many times in my life. When I start to get healthy and work out more consistently, people tell me it’s easy for me because I’m skinny. I can see where they are coming from, and I understand their reasoning behind it. But, it’s not easy for me […]
Welcome to Pretty, Young & Motivated
Hello Pretty People, I am so excited to bring you the new and improved Pretty, Young & Motivated, formally Somewhere Between Vogue & Van Gogh. October marks one year since I started this blog, and I thought it was time for a big change. In the past year, I have made a lot of changes […]