I get this question all the time! Melissa, what even is Reiki? Simply put, Reiki (Ray-key) “Rei” =Universal “ki” =Life energy(same meaning as Chi) is a Japanese healing technique with the use of Spiritual guided life energy. Reiki itself is a healing energy that gets sent to different energy centers or Chakras from a Reiki […]
Taking ED Wedding Dress Shopping
Looking down at my second bowl of cheerios that I debated pouring down the drain, I felt anxiety flood my body. I knew later this afternoon I would be walking into a bridal boutique and trying on what could be the dress I’d be marrying the man of my dreams in. Should I walk a […]
I’m Doing This for Myself
MY 30-DAY CHALLENGE * NOTE: This post and series may be triggering for some who suffer from body image issues or eating disorders, so please do what’s best for yourself before moving on and reading the below! Right now, in the world we’re living in, it’s been kinda hard to take care of yourself. For […]
7 Ways to Combat Coronavirus Anxiety
It’s a tough time for everyone right now with the Coronavirus Pandemic, especially for those with health-related anxiety. Mass media continues to spread panic, and it’s triggering a lot of anxiety for everyone. High levels of stress can actually weaken your body’s ability to fight off infection, so it’s important to take steps that will […]
Healthy is a mindset, not a body type.
You move your body. You make sure to get up off your butt each day and do something. You walk, run, lift, bike, swim in the lake or maybe your movement is simply vacuuming the house. You also fuel yourself adequately. You eat when you are hungry. You balance out your macronutrients (fats, carbs, proteins) […]