
Bye Bye Burnout: Live A More Motivated Life

Burnout. It’s a buzzword that is tossed around regarding pretty much everything – you can get burned out on a diet or exercise plan, with your friendships or relationships, with work, and with school. But how do we identify burnout, and more importantly, how do we overcome it? I graduated from college in 2019, and […]

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Life After College

So this post goes 50/50. You are either reading this because you are the 50% that has already graduated college & you want to see if you agree with the read, or your are the other 50% that hasn’t graduated yet & you want to know what all the fuss is about. You guys, I […]

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Transitioning From College to Career

Hello Beautiful People, As per request from an Instagram poll, this topic was a common request and I am happy to share an insight on my transition experience from college life to career gal. I’ll start by saying transitioning your lifestyle from college to career is challenging. It’s an exciting time in your life but […]

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22 Affirmations for Your 20’s

Hello Beautiful Babes, I could not pick just one topic to celebrate my 22nd Birthday, so here is the second post in my mini Birthday series. Your 20’s can be fun, confusing, magical, lonely…you get it! I’ve only experienced the beginning stages of being in my 20’s but I figured a few affirmations never hurt. […]

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My College Experience + Advice

Hello Beautiful Souls, Well, as of August 7th, I officially completed my undergraduate degree at Grand Valley State University in International Business and Marketing. I cannot believe it all went by so fast, it seems like a dream. In light of this milestone in my life, I have decided to share some highlights from the […]

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