When searching for a job, it can get very easy to be caught up in the numbers of what you’ll be getting paid. That is obviously very important, as you need to make enough money to support yourself, but that isn’t the only thing you should consider when looking for jobs. Having an idea of […]
Things No One Tells You About Post-Grad Life
The moment you dread from the second you step foot on your college campus as a Freshman: l e a v i n g. I was fortunate enough to go right into grad school, and my boyfriend and friends were still here, so I was able to postpone the graduation sadness for a year. First, […]
Bye Bye Burnout: Live A More Motivated Life
Burnout. It’s a buzzword that is tossed around regarding pretty much everything – you can get burned out on a diet or exercise plan, with your friendships or relationships, with work, and with school. But how do we identify burnout, and more importantly, how do we overcome it? I graduated from college in 2019, and […]
A Diploma is Just a Piece of Paper
My morning routine is incredibly simple. My alarm goes off early enough that I can hit snooze my habitual three times, those extra minutes making no difference in how tired I am, but necessary nonetheless. I, then check in with friends, send out the streaks, and browse on TikTok until I’ve seen every video ever. […]
Making Decisions for You
With as long as it’s been since I’ve written something deep, I feel like I’ve been waiting ages to write and finalize this piece. It has taken months to find the proper words to even begin writing it. I finally feel like I’m in the right mindset and place to get the words out. This […]