Hello Lovely Humans,
The holiday season is underway and there is no better way to spend it than with the people you love. For us single folks, the holiday season can be brutal. All these cute couple pictures begin to fill our timelines and this makes being single a little more difficult, or maybe it just makes you gag a little bit. Either way, it’s not fun! I am here to bring you the ultimate guide to surviving the holiday season (aka: cuffing season) and making it the best holiday ever. You don’t need a man to have some holiday fun!
This first post in the Single Girls Guide series will focus on ways to fill your schedule with family. Family is so important and the holiday season is the perfect time to spend time with them. I am going to share a few activities that you can plan with family members to have the best holiday ever!
- Attend a holiday show: During the holiday season, there are multiple holiday shows to attend. Grab your mom, aunt(s) and girl cousin(s), and catch the local nutcracker or holiday symphony. A girls night out with a holiday twist, what’s better? I have already began planning mine!
- Bake some Christmas treats: There is no better way to get in the holiday spirit than by doing some baking. Christmas cookies are a tradition. Turn on some holiday tunes and spend some time with your grandma. Oh, and eat the cookie dough, of course.
- Plan a family dinner: This is a great way to bring the family together and get in the Christmas spirit. Make a traditional family dish and get comfortable!
- Watch a classic Christmas movie: This is one of my favorite things to do with my family over the holiday season. There are so many great Christmas films to watch, how can you just choose one!? Home Alone and How the Grinch stole Christmas has got to be my top two favorites.
- Decorate the Christmas Tree: What is Christmas without decorating the tree? This is another favorite past time of mine. I love to warm up with some hot cocoa, listen to my holiday playlist and spend time with my family.
These are just my favorite traditions to do with my family during the holidays, and especially when you are single, this is the perfect way to fill that void with love. You have family and friends that will fill your heart with so much love and joy, so don’t worry about dating during the holidays. Take this time to truly embrace the people around you and share your time with the ones that matter.
Thank you for reading the first post in the Single Girls Guide to the Holidays. I figured I would start with family because family is so important, especially during the holidays. I am so excited to continue with this series and I hope you will share it with your single girl friends. It can be hard to spend the holidays “alone” but know that you are not alone. Enjoy these moments of being single and embrace the season to its full potential. Check back next week for the second post in this series. Also, check back for the second post in the Holiday Outfit Guide next week!
Happy Monday.
xo, Lyss