Hello Pretty People,
I apologize for not posting yesterday, I was feeling uninspired this past weekend and I had no idea what to share with you beautiful people. It hit me this morning though, why should you (& me) be happy right now. I figured I would take this time of the year to list out some reasons to be happy. I think there are many reasons to be happy, but sometimes we get caught up in the routine of life and forget to stop and smell the roses (a.k.a be happy!).
It’s funny because this is the time of the year that people are setting goals and beginning new things, so why does it feel so depressing?! Well, I’m not sure if I know the exact answer to that question but it could be the fact that people set too high of expectations for themselves. This is the time of the year we should be excited about what’s to come and all the goals we have just set for ourselves. Since that is not the case though, I thought this post could be a helpful reminder as to why you should be overly excited and happy everyday.
Reasons to be happy right now:
You’re alive
You are still breathing, which means you still have the chance to make your life into something. You have the opportunity to live life beautifully. There are so many people that are alive, but do not choose to live. Be the one who lives!
There are people that need you
Sometimes you might feel alone, and maybe like no one needs you, but there is someone out there who depends on you. You don’t always see these people because they may be watching your from the shadows, maybe you inspire them or motivate them to be better. Just because they aren’t telling you face to face, doesn’t mean they aren’t there.
You are loved
You have people all around you that love you; family, friends and even coworkers. Once again, this may not be vocalized daily but you are loved by many.
Happy people are more productive
Why would you ever waste time dwelling on the negative? Well, we all do it and it inhibits our productivity. When you are happy, you tend to be more productive. Your mood is up, and therefore, you are motivated to be more productive. Negativity and depression causes us to be setback and move more slowly.
You’re strong
you may not believe me, but look how far you’ve come! I know you must of jumped through rings of fire to be where you are today. Your journey may not look like someone else’s, but that doesn’t make you any less than them. You are a warrior.
Everything can change
If you are unhappy in your current situation, be optimistic because things can change at any moment. Some things take time, you just have to be patient. You are not going to be in this spot forever!
It boosts your mood
Being happy is a lot easier, and less depressing, than being negative. Of course you will have a better mood if you are walking around smiling and being positive in all situations.
When you are focusing on the good, you attract more good things
Law of attraction, my friend. When you are positive and optimistic, you will attract more positive vibes. This is one you will notice too! You will see the people you choose to surround yourself with start to change, and your mindset will adjust to be positive more naturally. When you focus on the negative, you are just feeding that negative energy and allowing it to grow.
Today could be the best day
You never know what a day could hold for you, never be pessimistic about what’s to come. Never underestimate what today my bring. There is so much opportunity for a great day, just wait.
You live in a beautiful world
This world is so beautiful; there are so many things to explore, near and far. You are lucky to live in such an amazing world. Sometimes it’s easy to forget what’s around us, but here is your reminder that the universe is beautiful. Now that’s something to be happy about!
You have the power to make someone’s day
Here you are, a happy person, with a giant smile on your face. Why not spread that happiness to others. You have the power to improve someones day, so why not take the chance! Just throw a stranger a compliment or send your best friend a positive quote. It’s simple!
You are in control of your life
Lastly, you have control of how your life will go; take advantage of your power and choose happiness. Each day you wake up, make the decision to be positive and optimistic. Everyday is a fresh start to be happy and leave your mark on the world. Do not forget to fall in love with the little things and appreciate the world around you. Whenever you forget why you should be happy, you can always check back to this list or create your own. Now is the time to take control of your happiness.
It’s easy to forget some of the reasons we should be happy, and it’s also easy to get into that mid winter slump. I know I have been struggling with the winter blues this month and my mood has definitely taken a plunge. Writing this post reminded me of the reasons I should be happy. As I mention in the beginning of this post, I was running low on inspiration for today’s post and when this popped in my head this morning, I knew I had to pursue it.
Thank you all for reading this post today! I want this post be a reference for you, and inspire you to be happy. As my readers, I like to be up front with you because I want you to know I am human. I have the same struggles that you do. Please share this post and feel free to create your own list of reasons to be happy. This will allow you to look back on the rough days and be inspired by the good days. Thank you again for reading.
May you have a grace-filled week!
xo, Lyss
This is such a beautiful post, there truly are so many reasons to be happy!! Thank you for sharing your tips and thoughts, it was so helpful and inspirational!! <3
xo, Tessa – http://www.simplytess.co
Great post girl! New year, new us! So inspirational!
Thank you so much!!