Hello Pretty People,
To be honest, I’m tired of talking about the negatives that have been occurring in my life. I’m in control of this, but I also like to share these struggles and low points because I think people need to realize we all have them. Trust me, I know it can feel like you’re alone during these times. But, you are not.
I’ve been super negative lately. My outlook has been pessimistic and my intentions have not been positive. I have allowed the negativity to take over my mind and body. I haven’t religiously exercised in almost 4 weeks, my eating has been “meh” and my attitude has been the worst of all.
Many of my readers come to PYM for inspiration and tips on living a happy life. Well, it hasn’t been that lately. I’m very sorry about that, but I think it’s important to share these hard times with all of you because I want you to know I am human too. I’m not going to create fake content to please everyone and make you believe my life is perfect. Because it’s not. No one has a perfect life, no matter how much you may think so.
So, as much as I want to drop the topic, I have to address it one more time because I have not been myself and it would be unfair of me to act that way. I write to share the highs and lows of life. If I only share the happy moments and the good stuff, you will probably just think “she’s lucky”. We all experience points in our life that feel like we are battling the demons alone. These past few weeks have been some of the lowest points of my life.
I’m not going to cover that up or try to make it something less than it is. I’ve experienced great pain in my heart.
Here’s the deal.
You can…scratch that, I can either pick myself up and move the fuck on or I can sit and suffer. It’s harsh and I’m sorry for the vulgar language, but it’s the truth. We all make this choice everyday. I do know how easy it can be to feed negativity with more negativity.
Hello!! That’s all I’ve been doing over here.
Another harsh reality…
You’ve only got you. You have to pick yourself up and dust yourself off. No one else is going to do it for you. Now, I’m not saying there aren’t people who will be there to support you or be a shoulder to cry on. But, at the end of the day when you’re alone and crying in the shower, you’re the only person who can pick yourself up. People can blab your ear off with mushy BS but you are the one in control. Until you realize that, you’ll spend your days crying and throwing yourself pity parties. This will make your life snowball out of control.
Crash your own (pity) party.
You are going to have to be the one to crash the party. No one will be able to do it for you. Once again, people can cheer you on and guide you in the right direction but you have to be the one to quit the BS.
I know when things actually suck, it’s tough to be a Positive Polly but you have to trick yourself. Your bad vibes will allow more bad vibes to feed into your energy. It sounds cheesy but it’s legit. If you can’t be positive about your own self, try to be super kind to others. Compliment your friends, buy a stranger coffee…do something that allows good vibes to flow. Getting caught up in lots of negativity is a vicious cycle you do not want to be a part of.
Cut the BS and don’t let negativity win. You are stronger than that!
This is the point I have reached, and slowly I am seeing the weight on my chest lift. I’m taking control of my attitude and the negatives I have allowed allowed to make home in my life. Although many of the negatives in my life the past few weeks have been out of my control, I have allowed them to occupy my mental space. Life does suck sometimes but listen carefully. I said SOMEtimes, not all times.
It’s okay to breakdown. It’s okay to not be okay. Life happens, our inner strength is tested. It can be hard to manage things on our own. Take the time you need to be sad and process the negatives, but don’t let them ruin your life. There is far more good in life than bad, even when it feels like the world is against you.
Cry it out, fix your mentality and move forward with a badass babe vibe. We’ve made it this far. Our strength will be tested time and time again, but each time it will be a little bit easier.
Don’t let a negative mindset hold you back. Most of all, never give up.