
Hello Pretty People,

A few weeks ago I met up with the Cafe Chat girls again, and we discussed a topic that is important to me, that topic being confidence. Tessa chose the topic for us this week and she presented us with a few different questions to really get the conversation started, and of course, we all made it our own from there. I am going to share my responses first, then I will share a little snip it of there and direct you to their blogs. I hope you are able to take away some lessons and also connect some of your own thoughts as well.

What makes you feel confident?

I feel the most confident when I can inspire others and be a role model to younger women. I find that very empowering and it makes my heart happy to know that I am influencing others to be the best version of themselves. For example, when my readers are able to connect to my content, it makes me feel like my writing matters. My goal of my blog is to make women not feel alone in the crazy world, and when I see that happening, my heart is full. I also feel very confident when I wear a great outfit or my hair looks exceptionally good one day, that just makes me feel more beautiful and ready to take on the day.

Lastly, I like when my accomplishments or progress are noticed by people. I do not just mean compliments, but when someone can actually notice a progressive change in you, it makes you feel like you are actually doing something right. I know I am my own worst enemy because I always think I should be doing more, therefore when someone stops me and tells me I look like I have it together, that is my favorite thing to hear. It just reassures me that I am on the right track, even when I don’t feel like it always.

What advice do you have for other girls?

I want to tell other girls that they are beautiful and they do not need to change to please others. One thing I often tell myself is that no matter what, if you change your hair or clothes, there are always going to be people who continue to judge you. Just embrace who you are, including your flaws, because everyone is flawed and everyone feels judged. You have to push past this fear of being judged and just accept that we all feel this.

I also want girls to know that health goes beyond size; being skinny does not make you healthy. Being healthy includes your mental health as well. Take care of yourself, do not fill your mind with negativity and do not tell yourself you have to be a certain size.

Lastly, surround yourself with people that lift you up because this reflects who you become. If you are surrounded by negative people, they will only drag you down with them. Find yourself a tribe of fun, loving women who want the best for you; not a group that competes with you and makes you feel less than amazing.

What is your favorite Fall tradition?

I always love going to the apple orchard with my friends and family, donuts and cider are a must-have for the Fall season. I also just love Fall mornings when I can enjoy a coffee at my favorite cafe and people watch.

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Paige // Where the Wildflowers Are

Paige is a beautiful soul in this world of basic girls, she is always authentic and her beauty shines. Paige feels the most confident by doing the thing she is passionate about: art. Creating art makes her feel the most confident. One of her favorite Fall traditions is picking pumpkins with her little family (Tyler & Max). She shares a whole lot more confident and self-loving advice over on her blog, which you can check it by clicking her name or here.

Tessa // Simply Tess

Tessa is a bright soul that works hard toward her goals, and when she is able to achieve these goals, she feels on top of the world. Tessa shared that she feels most confident when she accomplishes her goals or makes progress toward her goals. She also feels confident when her hard work is recognized. Tessa thinks to be the most confident you should remove the negative people from your life (ditto!) and fall in love with yourself. If you want to learn more about what Tessa had to say this month, head over to Simply Tess or click here.

Ally // A Touch of Tulle

Ally is a goal digger, she is out there achieving her dreams at 20 years old. Ally shared with the group that she finds confidence in accomplishing her goals. She likes when her hard work is recognized and I couldn’t agree more! One of my favorite things she mention when giving us advice was that likes on social media do not matter. I thought this was an important message for girls in today’s society. If you want to hear more from Ally, check out A Touch of Tulle here or in the link above.

Thank you all for reading the second Cafe Chat, and if you missed the first one I will share it below. I have been loving these meetings because I am able to sit down with these amazing humans and discuss topics that most women are unable to talk about. I find myself so lucky to have found an inspiring group of girls that not only lift me up but work on lifting other females up too. They are the ideal women I want to collaborate with. I hope you will stick around and check out my new site, and subscribe if you like it!

Cafe Chat #1

Cheers to a brand new week!

xo, Lyss