My pre-pandemic self was getting into a rhythm of movement. I was hitting the gym, going for hour walks on my lunch breaks and really learning about new ways of moving my body that I enjoyed. Now that we have shifted into a new normal, I have to be completely honest, sitting on the couch is significantly easier than getting up and moving my body. The motivation to get my body moving has been at an all time low. This has really taken a toll on my mental health. I have noticed I feel more anxious, depressed and sluggish. I know that movement is an incredibly powerful and crucial tool to help reduce my anxiety and to boost energy and productivity. It’s easy to understand that and talk about it, however, it is way more challenging actually getting up and moving. I am craving getting back into a rhythm of moving my body because I know that my mind and soul feel better from it.
I wanted to share some ways that have been helping me move my body during this time.
My group of close friends decided that we need to hold each other accountable. We use Google Meet to workout 3 times per week. It’s such a wonderful time to see my best friends faces and to get motivated to move my body. Even if I don’t want to throw on sneakers and get my blood pumping, I know they are waiting for me to do so. Not only does this hold me accountable to attend, but I actually need to show up and participate. We push each other through each movement and cheer each other on. I don’t want to let them down or even miss out on this wonderful opportunity to spend time with loved ones.
Make It Fun!
There are many ways you can make working out fun. I think the first step is to understand that working out is simply moving your body. It does not need to be an intense ab session on your living room floor, a long pilates routine or lifting heavy weights. You can move your body in ways that you actually enjoy. It is possible, trust me.
- Find movement that you enjoy! You can get curious about different forms of movement to see what you enjoy doing. Test some things out. The content available to us online is remarkable. Personally, I have found that going for walks and bike rides with my husband is a great way to get moving without feeling pressure to do so. I love getting fresh air and enjoying each little bird that flies by. I am so focused on how much I love the experience, I am not even thinking about exercise. Find something that brings you joy in movement; dancing, yoga, walks, runs, biking, weightlifting, etc.
- Virtual workouts! While these sessions are used for accountability, they also offer up some flavor to my movement menu. It’s so much fun getting through workouts together. We turn it into a dance party for cardio, we make jokes and nervously laugh along with one another while our thighs are melting off our bodies.
- Competition. If you are someone that gets that spark of motivation by challenges, ask a friend, family member, or coworker to join you in a fitness challenge. See who can rack up the most steps during the week, or do a quarantine scavenger hunt while taking a hike. The most important thing to remember if you engage in friendly competition, is to not compare yourself to your opponent.
Designated Area.
I have set up a little section in my basement with a yoga mat, two 5lbs weights, two resistance bands and a set of boxing gloves. When I head down to the basement, I know that it’s game time. It is time to move my body intentionally. This has become such a routine that my cat, Goose, even knows that downstairs means it’s time to move the body. He will join in if I decide to jog around; he will lay under me to encourage me to hold the plank just a bit longer. When I am in the basement my mind is focused on crushing a workout, then getting back upstairs for a shower and netflix. The point is, to have a spot in your home that is devoted to movement. We can’t always get outside, especially if you live in Michigan, so choose a spot and deck it out. Throw down a towel and set up some cans of soup if you don’t have any equipment. Make that little corner your personal gym.
If the sun is shining, my motivation to get my butt moving sky rockets. I take advantage of these gorgeous days. I’ll go for a walk around the neighborhood and pop over to the park next door; I will hop on my bike and cruise around. It’s the perfect opportunity to get your body moving without feeling the pressure of intense workouts.
I hope you find these tips useful. It’s really challenging to get into a routine of movement, especially when our routines have shifted drastically. No matter your situation, movement can be a wonderful tool to boost your mood and calm nerves.
Sending Love,
Katie R