When searching for a job, it can get very easy to be caught up in the numbers of what you’ll be getting paid. That is obviously very important, as you need to make enough money to support yourself, but that isn’t the only thing you should consider when looking for jobs. Having an idea of what else you’re looking for in terms of benefits from an employer is great, and helps keep you focused and ready to negotiate in the interview. Here are some things to consider besides the hourly pay.
I love travelling and used to visit somewhere new once a year with my family. That slowed down once I started undergrad, but I plan on travelling the world again as soon as possible. Vacation time is something that many people wouldn’t necessarily consider when looking for a job, thinking they can just request time off easily. However, you could potentially be taking days off intended for sick leave, leaving you vulnerable if you were to fall ill. Discussing vacation time (extra bonus if it’s paid!) is really important if you have the travel bug like many of us here at PYM. Think realistically about the kinds of trips you’ll want to be taking (duration of trip and cost), and negotiate accordingly!
Health and Dental
I’ll be completely honest – I know very little about health insurance. Still being on my dad’s plan, I play dumb when I go to doctors’ offices and they ask me about the insurance plan or what the deductible is. However, I know that very soon I will need to start looking into these things and actually understanding them, as once you turn 26 you will have to find your own insurance. One way to do that is having your company offer it to you. But health insurance isn’t the only thing you should be on the lookout for! Dental and vision are not typically added to plans, so asking directly if your future employer has those add-ons and whether or not you’d be eligible is incredibly important.
Company Cars and Phones
Another thing to think about, especially if your job involves a lot of travelling, would be a company car. The benefits of using a company car for travel include that you aren’t putting any more wear and tear or miles on the car you own, and that they would reimburse you for the gas you put into it. If they do not have a company car to offer, gas reimbursement is another benefit to leverage for, so that the expenses you occur while on the job don’t become your expenses. Company phones are another great thing to look into, as they would pay for the device and the service provider. You would, of course, need to be mindful of what you keep on that company phone, as well as be available whenever they call.
Working from Home / Adjustable Hours
If you’re working a salaried job where it doesn’t necessarily mean you need to be there from the typical 9-5, discuss other options with your potential future employer! Working in the same environment every day can make everything seem monotonous and dry, and I know I get easily burned out when I don’t have a change to my workspace. You could negotiate that you work from home once a week, or on certain days you come in earlier or leave at an earlier time. As long as the work you’re needing to do is getting done, there should be no issues with you being able to set your own hours.
These are just a few things that you can and should be aware of when looking into a new job. Being mindful of your specific wants and needs will help you to get the perfect job, as long as you don’t get strung up in just the pay. There have been times in my life where it was just the amount of money I’d make that mattered, but knowing there is more that a job can offer you is exciting and helps you to realize your worth as an employee. Never fear arguing for what you deserve!
Written by Anna Dunigan