Hello Beautiful Souls,
Everyday you wake up, you have the opportunity to do something amazing with that day. The choice is completely up to you.
When you wake up, you can be upset at the world and groan about going into work. This kind of mindset will create a negative space around you and you may even see more negativity start to come your way.
Another option would be to wake up with a purpose, tell yourself to seize the day and try something new. This mindset will most likely bring you lots of happiness and positive vibes throughout the day. It’s called Law of Attraction, believe it or don’t, but it’s legit.
How does this relate to living your life shamelessly, you ask?
Most of the time, we are held back by our fears of judgement and what others may think of us. We inhibit our abilities to grow because we don’t want to look weird or out-of-place. The thing is though, every person that has ever made a difference in this world was weird and out-of-place. They encountered many failures and climbed many mountains. They didn’t wake up innovators, creators or influencers; they became them.
This relates to the attitude you choose to have on a daily basis because you can wake up and let your fears hold you back or you can live your life shamelessly and be the weird one. The weird ones are the leaders and doer’s of our society.
One of my bosses shared this short Ted Talk with us during my first week at my internship. It was some “weird” guy dancing around by himself but he was surrounded by a crowd of people. Of course, he got dirty looks and quite a few glares. Then something happened, another guy jumped up and started to dance like a maniac too; and another one followed. Eventually there was a whole crowd of people dancing and no one felt weird about it.
The lesson here is that someone has to be brave enough to step outside of their normal comfort zone and be the werido that starts a movement. It can be scary to put yourself out there, especially all by yourself. Once you embrace this idea of being comfortable with being uncomfortable, you will watch yourself blossom into this magical human. People will no longer judge you, and even if they do, you will not worry about this anymore because you’re confident in who you are.
Coming back to the law of attraction idea, your confidence and self-assurance will create this positive vibe around you. People may be intimidated by you, but more often than not, they will be inspired by you.
Today, and everyday, I just want you to live the life that makes you happy regardless of what others think. You only have one life to live, don’t waste it worrying about what people might think of you. Spend it being 100% yourself and enjoying every freaking moment. Thank you for reading and have cheerful day!