A few months ago, I found myself telling everyone who asked how I was doing that “I just feel so burned out.” At the time, I had no idea those feelings actually meant anything more than me just complaining. I started graduate school as a Senior in college, so while I watched my friends go to bars and day drink and do all the things that college Seniors do on a Tuesday at 4pm, I sat inside with my head inside an econometrics textbook, desperately hoping that if I just held the book to my head, maybe the information would miraculously absorb into my brain. I almost dropped out of my program for a minute, until I was told I was just being dramatic – but that’s a story for another time.

When I began my second year of grad school this year, I took on two jobs, in addition to 3-hour night classes. I’m not usually the type of person who says no to taking on a new task, so I continued to fill my plate with as much as I could. By January, I began and ended each day more exhausted than the one before it. I really didn’t understand how sitting through a 9:00-5:00 Monday through Friday and 6:00-9:00 classes three days a week took that much of a toll on me.

I felt like I was exerting all my energy to get ready in the morning and push through work, and by the time class and homework came around, I just couldn’t cross any of my to-do’s off the list. Being positive became increasingly difficult, I was feeling cynical about everything, and I had no clue what was wrong.

So I did what all Millennials do and turned to Google… Something along the lines of:

“Why do I feel so burnt out all the time?”

Cue the search results… Who knew? Burnout was a real. I didn’t even know I had it, I didn’t even know what it was. Girl, you might be feeling this way too. And I want you to know, it’s okay. You’re not alone. AND there are ways to overcome it.


“Physical or mental collapse caused by overwork or stress”


·     Feeling tired and drained

·     Disrupted sleep

·     Headaches and muscle pain

·     Some gastrointestinal issues

·     Loss of appetite

·     Loss of motivation

·     Cynicism

·     Anxiousness/Anxiety

·     Irritability and feelings of anger that may not fit with the situation

·     Decreased productivity


·     High-stress jobs

·     Work-life balance

·     Lack of control or overwhelming schedules

·     Workplace/environment

Treatments and Overcoming Burnout

·     Self-care, self-care, self-care!!!

·     Take a personal day to relax and do something you WANT to do

·     Changing your diet

·     Re-aligning your work-life balance

·     Learning to say no

·     Talk with those closest to you

·     B and C Vitamins, Ashwagandha Root, CoQ10

Burnout might feel permanent, but I promise you it doesn’t have to be. I’ve found little ways here and there to get through the days I feel exhausted. I bring my music to work and sing along quietly  in my office. I leave the office during my lunch, even if I packed it, to get a change of scenery. Take yourself to a coffee shop or find a park to sit in. Call up your girl gang and have a wine and ice cream night.

Try a morning and nightly ritual affirmation to yourself in the mirror. It won’t cure burnout, but girl, you have to give yourself the love you give to others.

To combat some of the unavoidable feelings of negativity that come with burnout and fatigue. Step in front of the mirror every morning, and tell yourself out loud “beautiful girl, you were made to do hard things. So believe in yourself.”

But, girl. Promise me one thing. Don’t ever feel like your feelings aren’t real or that they don’t matter. You are you and it’s okay to not feel okay. There is a sunnier side on the end of it all.

xo, Amanda

