Hello Pretty People,
Today I want to just make a quick post about the importance of being kind to one another. This topic has kind of been on my mind a lot lately, and I did not properly prepare another post for today, so this is what I am choosing to write about. I also apologize for not posting on Thursday, it has been a busy time for me and I never want to post just to post. I only have 3 weeks left in my semester, therefore I will be insanely busy but I will continue to post when possible. Thank you for being understanding and let’s jump into today’s topic:
Everyday people go through things that no one has a clue about. You may be surrounded by a bunch of friends and family but that doesn’t mean they know all the battles going on in your mind. This time of the year is difficult for some people, not everyone has a significant other or a family to surround themselves with. It’s important for us to remember this when we are interacting with people.
Mental illness is not something people share openly with others, they are often hidden behind smiles and laughter. Depression and anxiety are two that I can relate with; I feel like I have never been severely impacted by them but enough to understand the mental state of others who are affected by them. You can be completely “happy” with your life, but the moment you are alone a war breaks out in your mind. Anxiety is this game of questions: Did I finish this? Did I do that? Is she mad at me? What is wrong with me? It’s this constant feeling of high stress. Depression is more of an exhausted state, you can run 50 miles or sleep all day and still feel the same exhaustion. It also can be compared to drowning, you feel nothing and you are just quiet. These are only my interpretations, they are not fact.
People think these illnesses are a joke or not a big deal. For you, this may be true but for others it is a daily battle. This is why being kind is important. So, before you cause a ruckus in someone else’s life, make sure you are aware of the battles they might be fighting within.
Another factor is where people come from. There is so much we do not know about the individuals around us. We do not know where they come from or what they value. They may have an ill family member or maybe their parents just got divorced. These are other things that many people do not openly share, and you must keep in mind that you don’t know the battles they may be fighting at home.
There is a lot of crazy things going on in the world, from the election madness to the Ohio State shooting that took place today, there is plenty of hate to be spread. Why not spread some kindness? The world could always use more kindness, even if that just means smiling at a stranger. You never know what a smile could do to that person’s day. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the negativity, but combat the negativity with positive vibes. I probably sound like some crazy hippy over here, but it is honestly the best way to bring more happiness into the world around you.
Ellen Degeneres ends every show with the statement “be kind to one another” and I think that is such a simple and important message to the world. It’s easy to throw the blame on someone else or act in anger, but before you do, step back and try to see life from the other person’s perspective. It may look like rainbows and butterflies on the surface, but underneath there could be so much more. Life is a tough crowd, just be kind and spread love, and you will get through it.
The holidays are a beautiful time to spread love and kindness, but some people struggle through this time of the year. Just keep that in mind! I hope this post was interesting and helpful. If you liked this post, be sure to share it with others. Thank you for reading PYM today!
Happy Monday.
xo, Lyss
*Side note: If you are battling mental illness or have thoughts of suicide you should reach out to someone. There are people who will help you fight this battle. You are not alone!