Hello Beautiful Humans,
When life gets chaotic and messy, it can be easy to lose confidence in ourselves. Whether you’re in between jobs or experiencing some low points, keeping your confidence up can be difficult.
As someone who is fresh out of college and looking for my first big girl job, I have days where I feel quite down about myself. This typically roots from my stress of finding the “perfect” job that pays enough and the anxiety of not knowing when that will even happen. Everyone experiences this in different forms.
This point in my life is so exciting and untouched; my opportunities are limitless and my next steps are really important. Whatever I choose to do over the next few months will shape my future self, which is so exciting ( and scary). That being said, this is where the messy part comes in for me. Life is good right now but applying for jobs can be mentally draining, in such a way that can diminish confidence in oneself.
People can experience this loss of confidence in different ways, from different circumstances. It happens…
So, how do we keep our confidence level up when things around us are messy?
Define Your Strengths
Figure out what you’re good at and write it down. Examining your strong points can help you understand why things may not be working out in certain parts of your life. For example, if you’re really good at writing but not graphic design, don’t be discouraged when you don’t get the marketing position that requires more design experience. It’s not your fault, it’s just not where your strengths are. (This is just an example from my experiences)
Gaining self awareness is truly important to finding your confidence. Once you know yourself, you will have a better understanding of your strengths and weaknesses and know what works for you (and what does not). By defining your strengths, you are beginning to gain that awareness around yourself that will lead you to more confidence in who you are.
Side note: That’s really all confidence is. Confidence is knowing yourself and knowing what you are amazing at and what you completely suck at. The catch is that you are able to accept those things and move forward, evaluating situations as they come. Confidence comes from within.
Wake up. Dress up. Drink Coffee. Repeat.
Whatever your routine may consist of, do that. Keeping somewhat of a routine during chaotic times can help you feel a little more sane in your day-to-day life. Make a point to wake up early, even if you have no where to be. Dress as if you were going to meet a future employer or someone important. This is a method I personally use to keep confidence in myself. Dressing up actually makes me feel more comfortable and ready to take on the day. Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea.
For me, I like to dress up a little, visit a cafe and sip coffee while I search for jobs and work on blog stuff. This is one of the little things I enjoy and it helps me feel productive, rather than just sitting at home in my pj’s. It keeps me motivated, which in return makes me more confident. Basically, just try to create a routine that works for you and allow it to bring you some piece in your life. Although things around us can get crazy, routines help us stay on track.
Stay Positive
You may be thinking “obviously!?” But, staying positive during tough times can be very difficult. When things are out of control, it can be hard to see the light side of things. In this case, examine the things you can control and stay positive about the rest. Negative thoughts and actions will only diminish your confidence level more. Remember things do get better and you must be patient.
Embrace the Chaos
Wait! What?
Trust me, I’m in the process of learning how to do this myself. I’m figuring out that sometimes the chaos is good, it reminds us that we are alive and it demonstrates the amount of possibilities around us. If your life was quiet and boring, what fun would that be?
By accepting the chaos around you and allowing it to happen, you can feed off that energy and use it to level up. Enjoy the process of going through it all. This is a weird and uncomfortable place to be but it’s also super amazing. Use the in between to plan your attack and prepare for the next stage of your life. Don’t rush the process because the journey is usually filled with more laughter and joy than the destination.
Hopefully you will find these tips helpful; whether you are lacking confidence or not, these are always beneficial ways to improve your mood. Just practicing confidence can boost your level of self-love. It’s not selfish to work on yourself, especially during chaotic times. Sometimes our best option is to come back to inner self and work outward. Confidence in yourself will take you far in all you do, which is why I constantly stress it on PYM.
I want my readers to know that they are strong and capable of their wildest dreams. Do not let your lack of confidence limit you from accomplishing big things. Even in the darkest of times, you can work on your self-esteem and build from the ground up. Self-love is an ongoing task, it’s not just a one time gig.
Never stop working on yourself, you deserve greatness!
xo, Lyss
Extra: As I was about to post this blog, I came across a little poem that seemed fitting for this topic and for my life. I will share below:
A Glass Half Empty Versus A Glass Half Full \\
“I suppose it’s all in the way you look at it. When chaos is forming all around, it’s only natural to side with fear and confusion. Chaos, though, has a way of awakening the artist – for the artist sees chaos as a canvas.
The artist moves with the strokes of enlightenment, color, and grace. The artist breathes into the fiery furnace of that which they have no control over, and yet molds glass from the flames.
+ the artist smirks at chaos, and inspired by the opportunity at hand. “
// begins to make beauty from the ashes
(Artist Uprising Magazine, issue 1)