Hello Lovely Human:

Over the past couple of months, I have been really getting into becoming super healthy and fit. After I quit cheerleading back in 2015, I disliked going to the gym and my motivation to workout began to slip away. I would have spurts where I would workout for a couple of weeks but quickly get bored and just stop going. I couldn’t stick with it.

Well throughout this past semester, I became really lethargic and every meal I ate hurt my stomach. I couldn’t figure out the issue. Stress was probably one factor but there was more to the story. I also started to notice my muscle tone and strength deteriorate. That’s how I knew I had to make a change somewhere. It started out a slow process, but then I got completely inspired by an Australian YouTuber. Her positive message and motivation to live a healthy lifestyle truly inspired me.

I knew that was my moment. I had to make a change or I would continue to feel lethargic and weak. Within the first few weeks of working out and eating healthier, I saw a difference in my mood and my energy level. There were no serious changes, but a noticeable difference in how I felt.

Just Start!

The message for you today is: just start! No matter what goal you are trying to reach, the first step to success in that goal is simply starting.

I never thought I would finally get motivated enough to be excited about going to the gym or enjoy eating a salad for lunch. It’s all about figuring out what works for you and finding what motivates you to live a healthy lifestyle.

Yes, I have been more involved with fitness but beyond working out and getting lean, my focus is on feeling great and being happy. When you feel sick after almost every meal and you have zero energy, you aren’t happy. That’s what changed my mind and sparked my motivation. I could either continue to feel the way I did or I could make a change.

and now…

Today, it’s still a work in progress. I’m not jacked or ripped, I’m not super disciplined and I don’t always eat clean. I’m human and I’m not perfect. My goal isn’t to be crazy about my diet and body. It’s to be healthy and happy. I want to feel good, and sometimes eating pizza makes me feel good. A healthy lifestyle isn’t always about eating super clean and hitting the gym everyday, it’s what ever makes your body feel best.

So, my advice for you if you are thinking about starting your fitness journey or starting any goal really, just start. Once you begin, you will find inspiration or motivation that will continue to push you. Do it for yourself and do it because you want to.

Once you find that one thing that inspires you, you will began to see results. Many people fail at their goals because they enter with a negative attitude. If you are not enjoying the process, then you will not see results. It has been proven that when you find the process or activity to be pleasurable, you are more successful in reaching your goals.

Thank you so much for reading today! I hope your Monday is filled with coffee and good vibes.

Start somewhere.

xo, Lyss