Hello Babes,

Before Thanksgiving, I applied for this really amazing job opportunity at a local boutique. The position entailed styling, merchandising, blogging, fashion…basically all things I love. I thought this job would be perfect for me. At first, I was hesitant to apply because I am only 21 and the job required many diverse skills. I wondered if I would just be overlooked. However, I preceded and applied.

I was offered an interview, which lead to a second interview. I was beyond thrilled to have this opportunity in front of me. It made my heart so happy. Lately, I have been feeling a little lost on my career path. As graduation draws closer for me, I wonder where I even want to be. I love fashion and I want to make an impact in my job, but where and what does that mean for my career?

So, these feelings of who I want to be have been swirling in my mind. I get hectic and wonder if I’m doing too much or maybe too little. Am I behind? This kind of mindset has made me feel a little burnt out and very uninspired. That’s why this job opportunity has really sparked the flame in my soul. It almost seemed too good to be true, everything about it was just ideal for what I love and what I want to do.

This week I received the news that I got the job. I haven’t been this excited and happy in quite awhile. My glass is overflowing with gratitude. This opportunity is what inspired my last post about manifesting positive thoughts. I envisioned myself in this position and I thought positively about receiving the job, and I truly felt as though this helped me achieve this goal. That’s why I write this post, in connection with How to Manifest Positive Thoughts.

Darling, just f*cking go for it.

There is a bracelet in the boutique that says this. I looked at it while I was in the store officially accepting the job, and although it is slightly vulgar language, I LOVED it.

As I said, I was weary of applying for the position when I first saw the posting because I figured I was not going to be good enough. However, I was exactly what the owner was looking for. This isn’t a post to toot my own horn, it’s to tell you to just f’ing go for it. Whatever you’re sort of, kind of thinking about doing – JUST DO IT. (Not endorsed by Nike)

Commit to making the decision to try. Taking the first step is the hardest part. The worst thing that will happen is you’ll be told no, but at least you tried. Failing is better than not trying at all. Through failure you learn more about yourself and more about where you’re supposed to be. Don’t take failure as something personal, it could just be a sign from the universe that you don’t belong there. Don’t doubt your abilities until you try.

Y’all know I’m a girl of many quotes, so in relation to this post, I found a quote that reads “One life. Just one. Why aren’t we running like we are on fire towards our wildest dreams?

For real, why not?

You get one life to make completely your own, so why not take the chance to do something great. Your life is a blank canvas and the paths you take create the art that covers that canvas. Making the decision to go big and just try will change your life. In order to make the life you want, you must make the decision to try, and even possibly fail. As always, I am constantly working on my own stuff too. Of course I still get caught up in the rules of the world, but don’t forget you’re life is completely up to you. Remembering this helps keep me grounded.

I just wanted to share my own experience to bring attention to how often we doubt ourselves when really we can achieve so much greatness if we allowed ourselves to take the necessary risks. It’s easier, and almost more comfortable, to just say we can’t do something. But think about all the things you could do, if you gave yourself the chance. Stop wasting time worrying about the “what if’s” and just f*cking go for it. You deserve greatness!

As always, thank you for reading PYM.

xo, Lyss