I use to think it was better to not get involved with anything too political or too controversial. To be honest, my political views are very middle ground. I can agree with both sides on different topics and issues, and I hate when people try to push me to one party. I, personally, do not think there should be a parties system. I think we should choose the best candidate based on morals, values, diplomacy and policy – not political affiliation.
As I’ve become more aware of politics in the past few years, the party system seems to cause more divide than democracy and togetherness. It gives people a side to choose or even worse, people form opinions based on being republican or democratic, sometimes without any research.
That being said, in the past few weeks with COVID and racial injustice, I’ve decided “not getting involved” doesn’t help make progress towards a solution.
If you’re someone who says “all lives matter” in response to “Black Lives Matter” – you better be wearing a mask and trusting in leaders, like Gretchen Whitmer, who are taking the global pandemic seriously. If you choose not to wear a mask because it’s “infringing” on your freedom, consider how all lives matter and you’re risking the health of others by not wearing one. And, here’s the thing with wearing a mask – let’s say you find out the whole pandemic is a hoax and you never needed the mask…okay, so you chose to be safe rather than dead?? Swallow your pride and wear a damn mask!
ICYMI – Michigan is on track to contain COVID https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/michigan/2020/06/17/covid-19-modeling-site-michigan-on-track-contain-virus/3205580001/
Back to racial injustice – I’m going to make a bold statement in hopes to reach the unaware but if you are a person who is upset about all the protesting and rioting, consider this:
What if, we made progressive changes to our systems that were built on racial oppression and really did consider all lives equally while holding those accountable for their actions (such as crooked cops and hmm, our president?). Then, perhaps, “they” would stop protesting for wanting to simply not die during a traffic stop?? Just a thought.
Black Lives Matter shouldn’t be a controversial subject. I’m a white person and I’m not offended by the movement because I see the biases and prejudices that people of color face in our society. The laws we hold so tightly to were developed during a time of slavery and oppression of women and POC. As a woman, I know to a degree, the feeling of being treated differently.
It’s time to check your privilege.
Previously choosing not to partake in controversial conversations around topics like racial injustice because they didn’t effect me was using my privilege. People of color don’t get the choice to not deal with it head on. This is their reality.
Just something to note in terms of this “make America great again” pride people have…America was built on theft, enslavement and immigration. The true “Americans” of the United States are Native Americans, not white people. Christopher Columbus stole land from the Native Americans and killed many in the process. The United States use to be referred to as the Melting Pot because of all the different cultures, races and ethnicities. If you believe everyone should “speak English” or should “go back to where they came from” – I would consider your own heritage and pack your bags for Europe.
I’m striving to educate myself better on these topics and I’m working to leverage the PYM platform to amplify these issues that need to be heard. I’m not perfect but I’d rather fail trying then not at all.
I’ll end with this – it’s okay to be uneducated or misinformed, biases are developed through culture and upbringing; therefore, you can change them. Rather than be defensive about your views, consider educating yourself on the topic before forming an opinion. It’s okay to change your mind. It’s not okay to be racist.
Resources to educate yourself:
Featured photo by Aspen Kate Photography