Hello Sunshine,
This one is for my fellow college students who just received their final grades for the fall semester. I am here to tell you that you are more than your grades and one exam does not define you. It’s easy to get caught up in the importance of an education, and don’t get me wrong it is important, but you have to go easy on yourself sometimes. College is not for everyone but if you have a passion for something that requires a degree, it is beneficial to you. College teaches you a lot, and even if you find yourself getting lost, it’s not the end of the world.
Sometimes there are useless classes that you must take in college, but I think the experience of college as a whole, teaches you a lot. You have to look beyond the grades and look at the actual lessons you are learning. Freshmen year of college I finished with a 3.4 GPA and took a few “dumb” general education courses. Beyond my grades though, I was thrown into being an adult. I was on collegiate cheerleading team and I lived with a stranger. I had to learn lessons beyond the classroom that I would not have learned without taking the leap to attend college. Each year I am faced with new tasks that challenge me and educated me on this game of life.
So, if you are coming out this semester not where you want to be grade wise, that’s okay. You have another semester to make up for it and everything will be okay. You have to tell yourself this sometimes, everything has worked this far. Today I thought I would share some inspirational quotes to keep your spirits high for the holiday.
Inspiration for after finals:
It’s okay: First thing I have to tell you is “it’s okay”, whatever happened last semester is in the past and now you are here. It’s okay! You can move forward now and continue to do great things. Once again, your grades do not define who you are.
You’re not alone: Next important thing is you’re not alone. Millions of college students just finished finals and they may have also received a crappy grade, but hey they’re still pushing through. You are not alone in this world, even though it may feel like it from time to time.
It’s not what happens, it’s how you handle it: This semester might have been the worst or maybe it was the best, either way, how you handle it will impact your mood. So, if you didn’t do so hot, you’re better off just accepting the circumstances and moving forward with an optimistic attitude. Otherwise, you will just stress yourself out and next semester will not be any better if you start with a poor mindset.
You’re doing alright, champ: Well, I’m here to tell you that you are doing alright. Look at yourself, you are a beautiful human being who is attending college to further educate yourself. You probably are working on top of school or maybe you are super involved with a club on campus; either way, that is a lot of time management. Your final grades may not have been what you wanted but hey you’re human, don’t be so hard on yourself. You’re doing great!
Some things are not important: Don’t sweat the small things. You just have to keep moving forward and keep growing into the person you want to be. Don’t let the little hiccups impact your whole journey.
Give yourself some credit, you’ve come pretty far: enough said!
Don’t look back: Lastly, don’t look back on this semester. It’s over and you have a new opportunity to accomplish something amazing. Don’t waste this new opportunity worrying about a missed opportunity. You must live for the now!
I hope these quotes were able to help you overcome that after finals stress and worry. Just know you are so smart and you are still growing. Believe in the fact that things will turn out even when it seems like they won’t. You’ve made it through every bad day so far, just keep swimming. A new year means a new semester to accomplish great things. You’ve got this! Relax over this break and prepare to crush it next semester.
Thank you for reading this post today! Make sure you stick around and check out some of my holiday inspired posts to get you in the Christmas spirit. I wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, and safe travels too! Share this post with all your fellow college friends who may be feeling a little down after a long semester. Thanks again for reading!
Happy Thursday.
xo, Lyss