Hey guys,

So often, I find myself apologizing for things that don’t deserve an apology.

If you google the definition “Sorry”, here is what comes up:

adjective, sor·ri·er, sor·ri·est.

Sorry; feeling regret, compunction, sympathy, pity, etc.: to be sorry to leave one’s friends; to be sorry for a remark; to be sorry for someone in trouble. regrettable or deplorable; unfortunate; tragic: a sorry situation; to come to a sorry end.

When I am in the wrong – then absolutely, I AM SORRY & you will hear those words from me in a heartbeat. But let’s stop saying “I’m sorry”, when we aren’t actually sorry.

So often, we say “I’m sorry” for things that YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE SORRY FOR & it needs to stop (I myself fall victim to this everyday).

Honestly, let’s just bring meaning back to the words “I’m sorry” & only say it when necessary.

Things I’m done saying “I’m sorry” for:

I’m not sorry for telling you how I feel

Why is it frowned upon to share our feelings? Good or bad.

If you were upsetting someone wouldn’t you want to know? If you were making someone over the moon happy, wouldn’t you want to know?

I’m not sorry for doing things that will make me happier

If it makes you happy – DO IT, LIVE IT.

It is so easy to feel heavy in the world we live in, so many negative things happening everyday. So surround yourself with the things that makes you happy, things that make your day more enjoyable.

I’m not sorry for talking about my mental health

Something that so many of us struggle with, let’s start talking about it! Spread word, raise awareness, end the stigma – no need to be ashamed, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

I’m not sorry for loving myself & sharing that on social media

Self-love can be hard to come by, so when you finally start to feel it – SHOW IT. Who cares what others think or say. Be so stinking proud of the love you found for yourself that you don’t second guess “What will people think if I post this?”!

I’m not sorry for posting 80,678 pictures of my dog

If you love something, it usually means that it makes you happy.

I LOVE my dog & she makes me happier than anything/anyone in this entire world.

So, I will continue on with my posts – because they bring me happiness.

I’m not sorry for straying away from negative people

As cliche as it may be – life really is too short to be surrounding yourself with people who bring you anything but happiness.

I’m not sorry for cutting ties with people who no longer fuel my soul

Find people who light a fire inside you, people who inspire you, make you want to be a better person, hype you up & more importantly, find people who support you through all of your highs & lows – those are the people you need in your corner.

I’m not sorry for getting upset over things that upset me

Something that upsets me, might not upset you.

So the next time that you think someone is overreacting about something – remember, not everyone is on the same level & they are entitled to feel how they want.

I’m not sorry for setting boundaries

Everyone’s boundaries are different. My boundaries are set in stone, please have respect for me & do not cross the line. If you do cross the line – well I’m not sorry.

I’m not sorry for treating myself

Just ran 3 miles – grabs cookies.

I’ve learned that treating yourself improves your mood. Whether it be getting your nails done, a McDonalds coke, skipping a workout or eating an extra snickers bar – you have to occasionally give into yourself.

I’m not sorry for asking for help

It’s okay to need help.

It’s okay to ask for help.

It doesn’t make you weak, people won’t look down on you. It will just allow for a better understanding of knowing where you are at.


That’s it, I’m not sorry – I’m just not!

I’m sure we all have our own list, but these are things that I am not sorry for & you shouldn’t be either.

So next time you catch yourself apologizing when it’s not necessary, take a stepback & remember the real meaning of the phrase “I’m sorry” & that google definition (Hah).

XOXO, Nicole
