Hello Beautiful Babes,
It’s been far too long since I have actually sat down to write a post for PYM. I’ve been in such a weird rut that has made me super unproductive and unmotivated. I don’t know if it’s this mix of spring and winter weather here in Michigan that is killing my vibe or the fact that I am almost done with school and I’m just over pointless work. It’s probably a mix of both.
Anyone else feeling stuck in a funk!?
I have talked to a few friends who have also felt a little “meh” lately. I feel like there is this cycle in our lives, which I have addressed on PYM before. It’s basically about how we can’t always be living on a “high” note, there will always be things that pull us down and make us feel stuck. For those in the Midwest, I also think the drawn out winter season impacts our moods too. Spring is so full of new opportunities and fresh starts, it’s like a little reset.
For me, I have just been totally unmotivated. It’s not like anything really happened, I’ve just been a little lazy with my goals and my passions lately. In result, I have been feeling down. I am a very driven person that is motivated through my goals and passions. When I am not doing the things that I am passionate about, it makes me unmotivated. I have to have a purpose!
Nearing a huge milestone (college graduation), I think I’m getting nervous/overwhelmed with what my “purpose” will be. There are lots of decisions to be made in the next coming months and the pressure is on (or it feels like it). I’m sure many of my fellow grads are feeling this same pressure.
Another piece to add to my unmotivated puzzle is the fact that I was sick for almost two weeks with a cold. I tried every remedy in the book and I just could not get better. My body definitely is still recovering. I was feeling very fatigued, almost every day. Although I am feeling better now, I still haven’t been able to workout as much as I would like to. But, that’s what spring is for, right!?
My point of writing this today is just to talk about inconsistency in life. It’s easy to think we can just ride cloud 9 at all times and accomplish all the goals we set. However, it doesn’t always work like that. We are going to have bad days, weird moods and off energy. It’s life and it’s inconsistent.
And that’s okay!
Every week, I “plan” to write 1-2 blogs for that given week. Clearly that has not been the case the past month. I have been traveling, moving and battling illness. It wasn’t ideal timing for me. I needed rest and my routine was thrown off completely. Once again, that’s okay.
Sometimes I think we take life to seriously and we get too caught up in our routines. Hey, I am a lover of having a plan and routine in my life; however, I do see the beauty in change. Changing our perspective can be refreshing. That’s the opportunity I am seeing in front of me now.
I can keep in this weird funk or I can create a new routine that re-inspires me. Personally, I think sitting down and creating a new “plan” is fun. You get to adjust your goals, get inspired and enjoy a present moment. (maybe a cup of coffee too!) This is probably why my boss calls me a nerd but hey, who doesn’t love getting their life together!?
Moral of the story: it’s okay to be inconsistent sometimes, that’s just how life goes. There will be times when you got your sh*t together and you’re just killing it. Then, there will be times where you lose your vibe and you get in a funky mood. That’s how it goes, life is made up of highs & lows. As one of my favorite quotes says “you can’t stop the waves but you can learn to surf.”
Thank you for keeping up with PYM! I do plan on getting back in the blogging game, so stay tuned for new content in the coming weeks.