Hello Babes,
Yesterday, I was feeling a little bit anxious. Actually a lot of bit anxious. Let’s be real here!
I feel like lots of things have been going amazing in my life, which is great. However, there will always be things there to pull you down. I mean that’s just life, ya know?
So, although things have been going amazing for me, I have had some stressful stuff going on behind the scenes. I don’t like conflict because that is one of my anxiety triggers, I do all I can to keep the peace, even if that means blaming myself. Lately, I’ve had some conflict arise in my life and it’s making me stressed and anxious.
When this happens, I tend to get in a down mood because I want to control my anxiety, but if you struggle with anxiety, you know it’s not that simple. Yesterday morning, my boyfriend noticed I was in an off mood and he told me all these sweet things but what stuck was when he said that my mood is up to me. Then, as I was scrolling through social media, I saw the quote “I decide my vibe.”
I thought to myself, that’s right…my mood is completely up to me. I can let this anxiety win and I can stress about the conflicts in my life, or I can continue to focus my energy on the positives going on in my life and work on those. The energy frequencies we vibrate on are completely up to us. We can chose to let negativity impact us or we can say “nope not today bad vibes” and continue on.
Like I said before, when you have anxiety, it’s not always easy to just shut it off. But, there are ways you can minimize it. One example is through breathing, just listening to some music and taking a deep breath can release some of that stress built up inside you. Another thing that helps me is disconnecting a little bit. Sitting on social media or texting people who rile you up won’t help the situation. Sometimes you just have to step back from the world and breathe.
I decide my vibe.
The way to attract positive energy into your life is through the vibes you give off to the Universe. If you stomp around with negative thoughts, spewing complaints and hate; you will receive that same energy back from the Universe. If you flow with life and keep the vibes positive, you will attract more positive vibes. That’s how you decide your vibe/mood!
How you choose to act or react will be what determines your vibe.
The reason I am sharing this today is because I know how easy it can be to let depression, anxiety, stress or negativity win. I’ve been there and I get it. I’ve learned that shit happens and you ultimately have to let it go or it will just exhaust you.
Yesterday, I felt this exhaustion in my mind. I had to stop and evaluate the situation and how I needed to react. I had to make a decision to be positive.
Two more things before I go…
I’m almost done ranting to you about this topic but I wanted to share two things that happened yesterday that really opened up my perspective on the day. So, I had already began creating this post when I came across a tweet from “The Secret” account. Here’s what it said:
Boom…exactly the point I was trying to get across pops up on my Twitter feed, amazing! But for real, this is what I’m trying to get at. When you’re happy, you will attract more happy people, situations and vibes into your life. I just thought this tweet perfectly summed up my point.
Last little piece is from my late night yoga class. While chilling in down dog, the instructor was guiding us through a vinyasa session as she discussed how things are temporary in our lives. One thing she said that really stuck with me is this, she said something like “I use to put a lot of pressure on myself in high school in hopes to get into a good college, which I realized I could of tried way less and still got into the same school I wanted…” Continuing, she said “I did the same thing in college though, constantly put pressure on myself, all to become a yoga instructor (low stress job).”
Her point was that a lot of things in our life are just temporary things. This relates to today’s post because just like phases of our lives, our moods and situations are temporary too, which means they’re controllable. Understand that one bad day does not define the rest, and it definitely does not define you.
In conclusion, my Wednesday started out stressful but as the day developed and I kept a positive mindset, my mood changed by the evening. I realized the good things that happened throughout the day and I was able to create this post because of it. Just remember that our situations are temporary and we have the power to change our mood. Give off good energy and you will attract more positives into your life.
Thank you for reading PYM today. Your support is appreciated!
xo, Lyss

Thank you so so much for sharing our post and writing this incredible piece. It is truly a revolutionary moment when you realize the power of this truth: I decide my vibe. If you could update your photo caption to include a link to our account, I would so appreciate it. I didn’t include a watermark on this photo and it went far and wide without attribution. Thank you!! @fredandfar on Instagram
Thank you for reading! Which image are you referring to?
Hi! The I decide my vibe in typewriter image. ❤️
Of course! Sorry for not marking it right away!
It is now updated!