Hello Happy Souls,
If you’re like me, you too believe in the Law of Attraction. This is a theory that explains how the energy we emit into the universe is then given back to us in other forms. We are able to create our reality through our thoughts and actions. We create this reality through something called manifestation.
I’m not an expert on this, but I can explain manifestation as a subconscious thought that can alter our energies. For example, have you ever woken up late and rushed off to work or school, and then you notice your day gets progressively worse? You spill your morning coffee, you miss the bus or you forget something at home. This is because once your day started off on a negative note, your mind allowed it to continue, subconsciously. This is how I see manifestation. It’s not a super power, you can’t just use it to change every situation. It’s something you must learn.
Anyway, as I said, I’m not an expert on the subject. I’m just sharing what I know about the theory, and what I do know is positive thoughts and actions can be manifested. It’s all about how you build the space around you.
I’m learning how this law works because of my own life experiences. As you have probably picked up on, my life the past few months has been messy. In some sense, I could not control this but in others, I could. I allowed myself to snowball into negativity, through my words and thoughts. It’s one thing to say “I’ll be happy today” or “I’ll be positive”. But, if you are constantly dwelling on the negative energies and complaining about your situation, then you are only producing more negativity. That’s why I am learning that being positive is more than telling myself to be positive, it goes deeper, into my subconscious.
That’s why I am sharing a few tips for manifesting positive thoughts. If you have experienced any of the situations described above, these should help change your mindset.
Create a vision board:
I just recreated my own vision board this past weekend. A vision board is something you create to visualize your goals and dreams. For mine, I use positive quotes, pictures and other little sentiments. A vision board allows you to see your goals and manifest them. I put my board right in front of my desk. This allows me to see it everyday and see the goals I am working toward. I like using this technique because you can always rearrange and edit your board as needed. Nothing is stuck, just like in life.
Surround yourself with positive beings:
This is something I’m sure you see everywhere and every blogger says it. “Your vibe attracts your tribe”. Yeah, yeah, yeah…we get it. Well, more deeply, this means the people around you should be authentic. These are the people who make an effort to be in your life, and the ones who understand when you are busy. They are supportive of your goals and values, even if they maybe aren’t their own. These people do not discuss other people negatively, they discuss ideas and dreams. These are the kind of people you want in your life. They will bring you more happiness and more positive vibes.
Don’t speak harshly of yourself (or others):
I mentioned how when I fall into a negative state I can sometimes complain and bitch about my situation. I mean this is not abnormal to do, but it is often why these negative thoughts continue to live with us. When you apologize for who you are or you speak badly about yourself, you are creating more negativity around you. This also applies to how you speak about other people. Being judgmental does not create good vibes. You don’t have the right to tell others how to live, nor do they have the right to tell you that. Be kind to yourself and be kind to others.
Complain less:
This one is a big one, it’s also the hardest one to control. We live in a world of problems and complaints, especially given today’s political situation. Have you ever tried to go a whole day without complaining? This applies to even not saying the weather sucks or I hate school. These are all complaints. Another part is complaining about being stressed, sick or worried. This can sometimes create more of that negative energy. Don’t bring attention to your worries or stress, just like in meditation, notice the thoughts and let them pass by.
The best way to approach this is by trying to see the good in all things. So, if you feel like complaining, think of a bright side to that situation. It may feel cheesy at first, but that’s why this one is important, it’s the most powerful. When you begin to change the way you speak, which relates to the one above, you will realize the world around you change. This one allows good people to come into your life, it inspires more dreams and goals for your vision board and it makes you all around happier.
As mentioned in the beginning of the post, we create our realities through our thoughts and actions. How we choose to speak, how we choose to think and how we choose to live; all of these things create our reality. They create the energies around us.
I hope all this energy stuff makes sense, it’s a newer concept to me and through the practice of yoga + meditation, I’m learning more about controlling it. Understanding these things has helped me learn more about myself and become more self-aware. That’s why I am sharing. I want you to learn how to remove negatives from your life and create your best life ever.
What energy will you create today?
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SO SO good, from such a beautiful soul. Love this!
Thank you so much for reading 🙂