Hello Night Owls,
Sex and the City is one of my favorite TV shows, and even though it’s a made up series, I find the aspect of friendship between the girls really admirable. After watching the show when I was 16, I instantly was drawn to this idea of how friendship should be. This may or may not have been a bad thing, I haven’t figured that part out yet. I say this because I sort of have a standard for my friends now. Today we call this: friendship goals. In the show, Carrie and the girls usually meet once a week or a couple times a month. They catch up over dinners in the city or brunch with mimosa’s. When the girls get together after being apart for awhile they attend fashion shows or go to a dinner party. But, they are also willing to order in Chinese and just enjoy each others company. Once again this is a fictional show, but the mere idea of the way these women interact is notable to me.
I’m the type of girl that doesn’t mind a house party once in awhile, but I’d rather spend my night watching a chick flick and drinking a glass of wine. But, as a college student it can be hard to find other girls that want to do just that. I’m not into the college party scene; to me, a night in the city is more ideal than taking shots all night for no real reason but to get wasted. When I use this show for reference it makes it hard for me to define my true friends. I think of a best friends as people who will come over just to eat junk food and watch a movie with you, or go for a run and grab smoothies after. I am more interested in people who want to make real memories and experience amazing things. I’m so tired of the same college party scene. Have you ever been sitting there in complete silence with a friend and been completely content? That’s is how I define friendship, you can talk all night or just be completely content enjoying a each others company.
Finding friends when you’re not a party girl can be hard. When you start to value a little more than the drink in your hand, you will then be able to find some true friends. There is a quote that says “invest in people who will invest in you’, I think this quote is really relevant to this situation. In the end we want friendships that are going to impact our lives in both positive and healthy ways. Friendship is supposed to be more than just someone to talk to, it’s supposed to be your support through life. Friends are there to pick you up when you want to quit or slap you and tell you to woman up when you need it. You are supposed to build up your friends, invest in them and they will return the favor.
So, as I listen to the sound of drunk girls yelling outside my window, I lay in my bed typing this post. I remind myself that although I may not have found my “Carrie-Miranda-Charlotte-Samantha” group yet, one day I will find girls that value the same things that I do in life. They will pick a night in with me over a party because they too will be like me. I will not settle.
Thank you for reading. I will be very busy the next two weeks due to finals, so I may not be able to write as much. I hope you guys liked this post, it was just something on my mind. Please share if so!