Females get a lot of sh*t for having feelings.
We’ve reached a point in history though, where women can own up to our moodiness and even consider it an aesthetic that is relatively mainstream (though maybe not widely accepted? I don’t know, but that doesn’t matter). While having feelings is obviously natural and recognizing them has become an important part of knowing myself, sometimes I still wonder: why the hell do I have so many?
Freely recognizing your feelings is a completely different beast than understanding why we have them and why we feel like we can’t control having an obnoxious amount of them. Sometimes I find myself thinking about something that holds no relevance to my current situation, and I know that it doesn’t, but I end up being an emotional little mess over it anyway. I get mad at myself for it! Shouldn’t I be able to control this? I get it. I’m not a robot, but I’d like to buy my Oberons without tearing up at the chubby cheeked baby behind me in the checkout line. I’ll be damned if I have one of my own anytime soon, but the feels. Ugh!
Feelings Are Like Boners
We all know that guys can find themselves in awkward wood-related situations. In church, the office, school, the car, church, Taco Bell, the watermelon aisle of a grocery store- I don’t know, but I do know that sometimes guys cannot control when they strike up a hard one. I’m sure a random boner has caused more negatives for men than they have created positives.
Feelings are like that for girls. We don’t want to jab you with our over sensitivity, but sometimes it just springs up and you just have to deal with it for a minute while we try to get it under control. No one asked for these things to happen. Maybe something triggered it, maybe a stray thought brought it on. Regardless, it is happening and everyone is just going to have to accept it.
Feelings and boners are human nature, and all we can do is accept that and do our best to not let them negatively impact the people around us (God, please don’t let your boner impact the people around you).
At the same time, we have to be understanding of our fellow humans. Know that sometimes girls get upset over what we all know is nothing. In the moment we swear it’s something because those feelings feel real to us and that makes it valid. Also, know that sometimes boys get boners over, again, nothing, but a boner is a boner. Feelings = valid. Boners = valid.
Do You Get What I’m Saying?
I’m not saying this is fair to any of us. I don’t want to see your random boner as much as you don’t want to see me get irrationally excited over Joe and Sophie getting married (and I mean irrationally). I am saying we all have our very human albatrosses to bear. We just have a responsibility to maintain them the best we can. So fellas and fellow ladies, please stop ragging on others for having too many feelings, there’s a strong chance whoever is having all those feels doesn’t want them either. They just can’t help it.
And fellas, this is just an analogy, not an invite to walk around with your random boners. Keep that sh*t tucked.
xo, Olivia