Hello Beautiful Babes,

I’ve heard this line many many times in my life. When I start to get healthy and work out more consistently, people tell me it’s easy for me because I’m skinny. I can see where they are coming from, and I understand their reasoning behind it. But, it’s not easy for me because I’m skinny.

I have been working on my health and fitness over the past few months, which you can probably tell if you’ve been following me.

First off, I am not doing this to lose weight or be “skinny”. I am doing this to feel healthy. When I am strong and my body is healthy I feel more confident and happy.

When people start their fitness journey, they usually begin because they are inspired by something. For some it may be weight lose, for others it may just be to build muscle tone. Everyone starts for different reasons; therefore we cannot judge people’s lifestyle based on their size.

Yes, you’re correct. In today’s society, I am skinny. I won the gene pool lottery…?

Not true! 

My background

My family health history is quite lengthy actually. From diabetes and arthritis to even cancer, I am not “lucky”. Everyone has a choice in life though, and how you treat your body has a big impact on your health and future.

For most of my childhood, I did dance and gymnastics. I was also a very active child; always playing outside, riding my bike and running around with my pets. This background set me up for a healthy body. I also never ate a bunch of candy or drank sugary drinks, I wasn’t raised in that environment. My mom didn’t deprive me of candy, I just never was the kid that drank soda and ate candy on the reg. I loved water! (lame, I know)

I began focusing on my health more over the past few months because I was feeling sick after almost every meal. I couldn’t figure out the problem and why I was feeling this way. Then, I did some research and realized my diet could have a big impact on that. Working out has also helped me keep everything moving smooth through my digestive system. Growing up, I was always active and my body still thrives on that activity to function properly.

The eating habits and lifestyle you are raised with can impact how you take care of yourself now. Not everyone has the same background as me, nor does anyone have the same as you. That’s why you can’t look at someone who is skinny and assume they have it easy. The good news is you can always change your current lifestyle. You are not tied to your habits.

Being skinny doesn’t make building muscle and eating healthy any easier for me. I still have to be conscious about my food choices and listen to my body’s needs.

If you are struggling to find peace with your body and don’t know where to start, do your research. Learn about what works for you and what feels good. Keep a journal about how you feel not only externally but internally. Don’t force a lifestyle, just find one that you can find peace and happiness with. Feel free to contact me as well. I’m not an expert but I have battled with some of my own self-image issues, including body shaming.

Women of all sizes deal with these types of issues, you’re not alone. Skinny, “fat”, large or small; we are all just trying to be the best version of ourselves.

Thank you for reading PYM!

xo, Lyss