Hey beautiful humans!

Do you ever have one of those ‘ehhh’ days, that you didn’t know you were having – but then someone in your life or maybe even a complete random stranger gives you a compliment & you really take it to heart? That compliment leads you to crack a smile & then you realize – wow, I have rarely smiled today. & you just feel all warm inside!

If you totally understood the paragraph above – I have a challenge for you.

I challenge you to give out one or more (hopefully) compliments to another woman in your life. I’m not just talking comment on a picture & let them know that you think they’re pretty (which is nice when needed) – NO – I want more. Dig deep ladies, show some support.

Please, go make someone feel all warm inside & surface their smile!

I’m looking for more of something along the lines of…

  • Telling her you’re proud of her – but give reasons why
  • Let her know that you notice how hard she’s been working (at whatever it may be) – that her hard work does not go unnoticed
  • Remind her how strong she is – physically, mentally & emotionally
  • State how good she is at her job & that she is impressive
  • Let her know that she is a good mother & that her patience & compassion is admirable – I’m sure she could never hear that enough
  • Hype up what she loves to do – appreciate her enthusiasm & talent
  • If she inspires you – share that information with her
  • Tell her that her presence lights up any room
  • Encourage her & her braveness for chasing her dreams
  • Let her know you are happy that she exists & she makes your life better

Seriously you guys!!!! Get creative & let’s work on making people’s days with one compliment at a time. I want to see genuine, deep, compassionate, loving, pure & empowering encouragement!

I think that I can speak for everyone when I say ‘getting complimented feels great’, no matter the day you’re having – but especially if it’s a rough one.

Go on, tell her – you can make the difference in how she goes about her day, you can crack that smile, you can make her feel all warm inside.

I encourage it!

XOXO, Nicole