Hi Beautiful Humans,

As you may have noticed, Pretty, Young & Motivated has changed!

PYM began as my personal platform to share inspiration and advice from my own experiences for the past 3 years. Blogging, in general, has become an outlet for me. I’ve developed a passion for creating content that is able to empower and inspire others. I absolutely love the opportunities this site has given me thus far.

Towards the end of my personal journey with PYM, much of my content was getting dreary. I had been struggling through a breakup and huge life changes. I felt like nothing was getting better, I was just living in this numb state.

I’m guilty of being a big people pleaser, so often that I put others before myself. This is a beautiful trait until it’s not and you neglect self-care and your mental health. I was beginning to just not feel like I was enough all on my own, which is part of the reason I walked away from my relationship, amongst other reasons.

I felt empty.

That’s the best way to put it because I genuinely just felt drained. I kept giving my attention to these things that were not fulfilling me or energizing me. I started to just fall into a routine of being down.

Okay, enough of the sad girl vibes.

One day, I was really thinking about my lack of blogging and how I missed it. However, I am not always able to just sit and write content with my full-time work schedule.

That’s when I thought of this idea to expand the PYM brand into a collective of female writers. I have always been inspired by Girlboss, and the idea of empowering women to fearlessly love themselves and take no shit.

Changing Your Mindset

This instantly lit a fire in my soul! I had so many ideas flowing and I had to get started immediately.

I reached out to find other women who wanted to join my girl gang and create this amazing space for women to come together. By my surprise, I had so many gals show interest. It blew my mind, but also got me so much more excited about the idea.

I got right to work recreating the site and preparing to launch a whole new concept for PYM. I had some hesitations about it because PYM has always been my baby but I’m beyond excited to share this space with powerful boss babes. It’s my dream to make PYM known in the female community.

How it helped me:

Well, at some point in this creative process, I found my emptiness begin to fade away. I felt whole again. I was inspired to create again. My soul felt lighter. My focus had shifted from my pain and sadness to creating this site to empower and motivate my fellow girls out there.

It forced me to stop focusing on irrelevant people and wasting time scrolling through social media, wishing my life was different. My time is much more precious to me now. My life is what I make it. Any free time I have is dedicated to something important to me, and that includes this site.

I stopped allowing space for negativity and self-doubt. When you are going through a rough point in life, it can be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. You may ask what’s wrong with me and begin to over analyze yourself. Your energy is focused on the bad “stuff”. We too often forget that we are in control of our reality. It’s up to us to change our mindset and focus our energy on positive things.

We shouldn’t feel bad for working on ourselves, especially in our twenties. This is the time to focus on creating an empire for yourself, whatever that means to you. By simply changing your focus, you can create a change in your motivation and energy.

When we sit and wallow in our pain and sadness, we leave space for negativity to penetrate or we allow those who put us in that state to affect us. When you spend less time mentally analyzing your pain and more time creating something new and exciting, you will find your mood changes. It can be hard when you live alone, or even just feel alone, because you’ll find a lot of quiet time allows the voices in your head to get loud.

I’m not saying to ignore your emotions or never talk about it. It’s okay to not be okay, and it’s okay to go through it. Just know when it’s time to adjust your focus.

One of my favorite quotes goes something like this — “Don’t forget you’re human. It’s okay to have a meltdown, just don’t unpack and live there. Cry it out and then refocus on where you are headed.”

Welcome to the new Pretty, Young & Motivated. Created with lots of heart & soul!

XO, Lyss
