Lauren Hunt paints for herself but also for a greater purpose-to provide representation for People of Color. For Hunt, art is a medium in which she can transfer her frustrations, process her thoughts and represent those she finds are under-represented in society. “Growing up, I didn’t see a lot of art or media that was […]
The Issues
Women’s Fight for Representation
Today, the US will have its’ first female Vice President, but there’s still more work to do. As a woman, whether or not you’re a Democrat, it’s hard not to let out a small cheer about the fact that there is finally a female Vice President-elect in the United States. Harris is the first woman […]
Discussing Race as a White Person
Unless you’ve been living under a rock (and perhaps not even then), you know that America is going through a major crisis right now. Every day, more evidence of the issues of systemic racism and internal biases is brought to the public eye, igniting debates and hard discussions on many platforms and in many homes. […]
It’s Time for Change.
I use to think it was better to not get involved with anything too political or too controversial. To be honest, my political views are very middle ground. I can agree with both sides on different topics and issues, and I hate when people try to push me to one party. I, personally, do not […]
Speaking Like a Feminist
As I continue into my exploration of feminist issues and intersectionality, I’ve had to confront several behaviors and mindsets within myself that contradicted the ideas I was learning about. One of those things I found myself doing was the way that I spoke. I found subtle ways in which I either went along with or […]