
I’m Doing This for Myself

MY 30-DAY CHALLENGE  * NOTE: This post and series may be triggering for some who suffer from body image issues or eating disorders, so please do what’s best for yourself before moving on and reading the below! Right now, in the world we’re living in, it’s been kinda hard to take care of yourself. For […]

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Motivation to Move

My pre-pandemic self was getting into a rhythm of movement. I was hitting the gym, going for hour walks on my lunch breaks and really learning about new ways of moving my body that I enjoyed. Now that we have shifted into a new normal, I have to be completely honest, sitting on the couch […]

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Healthy is a mindset, not a body type.

You move your body. You make sure to get up off your butt each day and do something. You walk, run, lift, bike, swim in the lake or maybe your movement is simply vacuuming the house. You also fuel yourself adequately. You eat when you are hungry. You balance out your macronutrients (fats, carbs, proteins) […]

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Girl, Take Your Eyes off her Workout

Alright, let’s get real for a minute about something I know EVERYONE does at the gym, because I’ve done it personally and I witness it all the time. Your girls over here at PYM have been focusing a lot lately on pulling yourself out of the habit of comparison. Women tend to have this competitive […]

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The Best Exercises for Anxiety

Hello Beautiful Babes, Over the past few months, I have been working on adjusting my routines and eating habits to better combat my anxiety and stress. Since becoming more aware of my anxiety about a year ago, I have worked on being more proactive in managing it. I’ve done this through self-care, exercise and healthy […]

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