
Keep Calm and Stay the F*** Home

With all the hysteria revolving around the Coronavirus, it’s hard not to get swept up in the panic. The last few weeks have been interesting and quite frightening. With each breaking news story and horrifying headline, it becomes challenging to stay positive. It seems like every conversation that I’ve had over the last week has […]

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Bye Bye Burnout: Live A More Motivated Life

Burnout. It’s a buzzword that is tossed around regarding pretty much everything – you can get burned out on a diet or exercise plan, with your friendships or relationships, with work, and with school. But how do we identify burnout, and more importantly, how do we overcome it? I graduated from college in 2019, and […]

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A Diploma is Just a Piece of Paper

My morning routine is incredibly simple. My alarm goes off early enough that I can hit snooze my habitual three times, those extra minutes making no difference in how tired I am, but necessary nonetheless. I, then check in with friends, send out the streaks, and browse on TikTok until I’ve seen every video ever. […]

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Come Out When You’re Ready

You aren’t born knowing what the word “gay” or “lesbian” is.  All that I knew was that I always felt more attracted to girls than boys, but at first I kept it to myself because I was afraid of what others would think. At first, I tried to hide my interest in girls by covering […]

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Overcoming Flight Anxiety

Traveling has always been a passion of mine. Being a Military Brat, I’ve lived in more places than I can count and was traveling before the age of one! I’ve lived on the west coast of the United States and the east coast. I’ve traveled all over the US, Canada, and Europe. I was so […]

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