Welcome to the wild world of crystals! There are literally thousands of crystals out there and it can all get a little overwhelming. Here is a beginner’s guide to some basic crystals to get you started with, along with an easy cheat sheet to help you cleanse and charge them. Basically, if you do not cleanse and charge your crystals they will not function at their highest magical state. Crystals are more than just some pretty looking stones-the powers they hold are what truly make them shine. 

Starter Kit:

“Looking to block yourself from a toxic work environment?”

Black TourmalineProtection. “Return to Sender”. 

It helps thoughts and ideas you dream about manifest. Put in on your desk at work to promote environmental shielding. 

“Want to add a “Home Crystal” to start out your collection to assist with cleansing?”

Clear QuartzNeutralize. “Master Healer”.

This cleanses and balances energy. It helps align Chakras and enhances psychic abilities.

“Want to help align your energy centers?”


It’s a cleaner and promotes healing energy and amplifies the vibration. (don’t put in water or you will ruin the crystal). 

“Need a crystal to use during meditation?”


Promotes humanitarianism, helps with headaches, and eliminates pain. It can be used in meditation and helps release addictions. 

“Do you want to get those creative juices flowing?”


This is known for cleansing and purifying. It assists with understanding, compassion, and abundance. Promotes success and aids with confidence and good fortune. 

“Want to attract a lover?”

Rose QuartzRomantic love.

It opens the heart center, good for stress relief, and acceptance. 

“Going through a tough time and feeling a little scattered lately?”

Smoky QuartzGrounding.

This is helpful when doing shadow work and navigating adulthood. It is calming and helps with letting go of negative thoughts that make you lose focus. This helps reach business goals and promotes strength and motivation.

Cleansing & Charging:

Under a Full Moon in a bowl of water-(not selenite)-leave the crystals in the water-filled bowl overnight by a window that is facing the moonlight. Also, keep in mind what zodiac sign and theme that specific full moon is in. This information will help you see what if this specific Full Moon is good for cleansing crystals or not. 

Reiki-A Reiki Master (a type of energy healer) can infuse their healing energy to help activate the crystals.

Pendulum-If you have an attuned pendulum you can hold it over the crystal and see how well it spins-this will give an indication of how well it is charged and how much it still might need to be powered up. 

Smoke smudge-Use European sage or rosemary (no palo santo or white sage-they are both endangered). Light the substance and spread the smoke around the crystals. 

Clear Quartz– “Home Crystal”-This can use to cleanse other crystals by placing the other crystals on or next to a Clear Quartz. 

Under running water-The water must be cold and if pointed the point of the crystal should be facing down. 

Make them your own-They will work with your energy and have an attachment towards you. If others move or touch your crystals, be sure to cleanse them afterward. 

*Disclaimer: Not all crystals will agree with your energy. They can break, disappear, or make you physically ill if they do not vibe with you-they are energy after all. Crystals do carry different energy frequencies and work with everyone’s unique energy differently. That being said no scientific claims can be made

Written by Melissa Scafidi | Follow Melissa