Hey beautiful,

I’m a dreamer, always have been. 

My mind is always consumed with thoughts of what I could be, what I could do & what I am entirely capable of. 

I am always looking for more & eager to be more – for myself & for those in my life.

Growing up, I remember an adult asking me “What do you want to be when you grow up?”, of course, just like any other little kid I said some crazy answer like, “I want to be an actress” – but even right here in this very sentence – I said “just like any other little kid I said some crazy answer”……why is that a crazy answer, an actress? 

Looking back on that, all I can think about is – who are you to tell someone their dream is crazy, or unrealistic? 

Sit your ass down & let people be. Plain & simple.

Think about how many times you have taken a step back from something that you wanted for yourself because of a comment someone else threw your way or because you were concerned of the opinion of others? 

So imagine if we just let people be, if we just let people go after what they want?


Dreamer ; Never let it be said that to dream is a waste of one’s time, for dreams are our realities in waiting. In dreams, we plant the seeds of our future.


Let’s reflect,

Why did you stop chasing your dream?

Did someone put you down? Were you worried about the judgement from others? Did someone tell you to be more realistic? Did you get comfortable in your current position? Did you lose faith? Did you get tired of failing? Did you find it too difficult? Were you afraid of the involving factors? Did you get scared from not seeing results fast enough?

What would you do if you knew that you would not fail?

Would you start a new workout? Crush the most recent fad diet? Start your own business? Join a small business? Take a new job? Ask the guy out? Ask the girl out? Write a book? Launch a website? Get Married? Start a family? Invest in something? Buy a house? Start a blog? 

Why you should continue to chase your dreams

Life is too short. You need to do things for you. Consider your happiness. Make your life worth living. You’ll meet other people with the same dream. Constant feeling of inspiration. Improves quality of life. Your attitude towards life will appreciate you. You will enjoy the day more. You won’t dread going to ‘work’. Increase self confidence. Encourage other dream chasers. CHASE THEM BECAUSE NOBODY WILL CHASE THEM FOR YOU.


Think about all of that for me, think about it hard.

Why the hell are we afraid of failing? Like isn’t that part of the process? Screwing up. Failing. Taking a wrong turn. That’s literally it, we need to fail to succeed…

You try, you fail, you learn, you do better the next time.

Improve your belief system, get rid of the excuses & stop doubting yourself.

I may be young, but I truly believe that you are never too old, too poor, too young or too inexperienced to chase your dreams! There will obviously be obstacles & shortcomings – but name someones DREAM STORY, that went directly from point A to point Z without hitting a few of the letters in between. 

Seriously, this topic just makes me want to scream. I have dreams, I have SOOOO many dreams & I know you do too.

So go on, respect yourself enough to chase your dreams. 

XOX, Nicole