I walked into my first morning meeting for my new job, looked around and saw 20 something men and one other woman. I knew right then that I had to kick absolute ass at this job. So, I did. I got out of training in a couple short days, beat the standing record for sales made in the first 5 days and got placed on the “Fast Track” sales team. Can I please get a HELL YEAH?
Hell. Yeah.
Well, hello. Here I am a month and a half past those soul elevating moments and I am at ground zero for mojo. The thing about being in sales marketing is that anything can happen, there are a dozen different opportunities to succeed or fail, and each of them are solely based on you. More specifically, your attitude.
There’s two types of players in my new field of work. An A Player and a B Player. The A Player starts off super hot, they kill it in the field and then they hit a wall, sales are dry and they lose the energy that got them going. The B Player starts off slow, nothing to be ashamed off but nothing to really applaud for and then they hit their stride and start performing well. I’m an A Player and currently right up against my wall, trying to get back on track.
The thing is, when I started my job, I was ready. I went into everything eager to do whatever I could to show out and when I did, I got comfortable. The reality of adult work life actually sunk in and the way my schedule is that means I don’t have traditional weekends anymore, I have conference calls at 9 p.m. twice a week and morning meetings on the days I do get off. I’m two months in but I am.two.months.in. So, yeah, I lost some of the good attitude that helped me be a record-breaking she-boss in the start.
We all lose our good attitudes- even when we are doing something that is important to us (which, I promise, getting my daily bread is very important to me). Keeping a positive, productive attitude takes a lot of work. Self-pity parties are a much quicker refresher after a long day than trying to meditate the stress away, for those of us who have not yet honed the skills. I will call up my bestie (Hi, Linds!) just to rant for 20 minutes, her not saying much edgewise, then thanking her for listening and hanging up. I just need to let out all the BS and I am so blessed that she will let me do that because I think otherwise I would lose my mind. After those phone calls full of negativity, I start to feel better. Not because Linds said anything mind bending that put my whole life in perspective but the simple process of letting all my frustrations out in a healthy way- talking with a dear friend- began to elevate my attitude.
Not everyone has a Linds, because not everyone wants to hear someone complain about what may be nOtHiNg for 20 minutes straight. That’s super fair, okay, and I’m not even saying that ranting is a super healthy. The important thing is finding what can kick start an attitude improvement. Talking it out might be the way. Putting on a great album or podcast and take the long way home, splurging on a large coffee instead of a small to start your day right, a pep talk to yourself in the mirror… maybe? One small, genuine positive that you can give yourself can be
What gets the ball rolling for a full attitude lift. One positive to serve as a reminder of the good opportunities that you can create for yourself is contagious to your mindset.
There are now 6 other women in my office (another HELL YEAH?) and we started a GroupMe dubbed the “Queen Team”. We stan? Absolutely. The group message isn’t anything major, we aren’t plotting the downfall of the men in the office or something. As of now, it has mostly served as a reminder to me that there are other ladies in the office and they are feeling the same heat too really thrive as me. Not even in a sexism in the workplace kind of way (which, no shit, is an issue of global proportions), but in a we’re all young adult women just starting in the workforce, let’s get it kind of way. Between Linds and my work world girl gang, I’ve felt the shift in my attitude going back to where it had been when I walked into my first morning meeting.
In conclusion…
I may be an A Player, you might be too, or you’re a B Player, but all that means is that we have to watch our attitudes and maintain them so that we can be aware of the opportunities right in front of us and truly utilize to the absolute fullest extent. Be it at work, school, in relationships, reaching new goals, what have you. Remembering that a lot of my self-pity parties are hosted, sponsored and attended solely by me also reminds me that I am at total liberty of canceling those parties to make time for things that will help me be better.
Don’t let your attitude be the reason you don’t kick mega ass. You are capable and strong and a little attitude boost can be exactly what you need to see what that really means for you.
xo, Olivia
Great article PYM. You choose your attitude! A positive attitude will head your life in the right direction and your wellness. One of my rules: “Surround yourself with happy people”. Negative coworkers and friends can bring you down and give you a negative attitude. If your aware of your attitude, you can turn that frown around *^O^*