Hello Lovely Humans,
I’ve recently began to write about my experience with anxiety. You may have read my last post on anxiety called “I’m Anxious Right Now”. I want to follow up with this post by sharing the ways I cope with anxiety. Anxiety is tough and it’s a battle many people fight behind the scenes, everyday.
I don’t think we realize how many people are actually struggling with anxiety because most anxious feelings are mental. Overthinking, worrying, analyzing, etc. Sometimes we break down and then people notice we are having anxiety. But in reality, it never really goes away.
If you’re anxious, I’ve got a couple ways you can try to fight it.
Lavender Essential Oil
Lavender oil is something that I use to calm my nerves and relax. I carry it with me in my purse and I use it every night before bed. You can put a few drops on your pillow or rub on your temples and on the bottom of your feet. When I lay down for the night, I take a few deep breaths and think about releasing the negatives in each exhale. If you’re not sold on it, it’s also great for bug bites and breakouts.
Herbal Tea
It’s not just the tea that will help calm you. Grabbing a warm mug and just taking a few deep breaths can calm your mind. Take this moment to breathe and relax. Think about each breathe and each sip. Don’t focus on your anxiety, focus on your breaths + enjoying the tea. My favorite tea is Lemon + Ginger Herbal tea.
This one may differ from person to person but my best coping mechanism is running. Getting a solid sweaty session in helps clear my mind and ease my nerves. I throw in my headphones and just go. It’s not about speed or distance, just clearing my head. Most of the time though, I run my best mile time when I’m anxious. That’s a positive, right?
Hot Shower or Bath
Taking a hot shower or bath can really relax your whole body. When you are anxious you can tend to clench your teeth or tense up your muscles. A hot bath will relax your mind and body. Play some calming music to assist the process.
Sometimes the best way to calm your mind and ease the overthinking is just by sleeping. Take a nap or get a good nights rest to take some of the mental pressure off. Use lavender oil to assist in relaxing. Don’t use sleep to avoid doing daily life activities or to shut your feelings out. Use it wisely!
These are my best coping mechanisms when I am experiencing high anxiety. Maybe you have a few of your own, do whatever you can to ease your anxious mind. Although I struggle with anxiety day-to-day, I always try to remain positive and use these methods to fight back. That’s all you can do when you are experiencing this. I know people will tell you to “relax” and “it will be okay” and they’re right, but it doesn’t always help.
Be optimistic, even in the darkest moments. Life is up and down, it’s not a flat road. Accept this, accept your flaws and keep pushing. Everyone has their own demons.
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