Hello Beautiful Souls,

The weather is changing here in the mid-west and I know the struggle of crawling out of your cozy bed in the morning. But, this struggle in the morning can impact your whole day. Implementing a morning routine can help make the rest of your day more productive. In my opinion, it’s nice to have a a little bit of a routine to go with my schedule that is constantly changing. No day is the same for me, but if I can wake up on a good note, that makes the rest of the day better. Since today is Monday, and we all could use the motivation, I am going to share 5 ways to improve your morning routine.

  1. Don’t hit snooze: I know how easy it can be to hit the snooze button multiple times in the morning, but avoiding this move will help you in the long run. That extra 5-10 minutes of sleep, never really helps; it is actually worse for you to do. It is tricking your body and making you more drowsy, waking up on the dot will suck for a little bit but you will quickly discover you are wasting less time. Also, I think hitting the snooze button too many times makes the rest of the day follow, you’ll see that you are slacking a little more than usual. This is true for me at least.
  2. Think positive: First thing I like to do when I wake up is take a few deep breaths, then I grab my phone and check out some quotes to inspire me for the day. For you, this could be simply taking five minutes when you wake up to meditate and produce some positive energy or it could be taking 10 minutes to stretch. What ever works best for you and your lifestyle.
  3. Make a list of “to-do’s”: I am a lover of making to-do lists. This not only helps me see what has to be done that day but it also helps me prioritize them and accomplish them more efficiently. Writing a list helps me visualize the day and jump in head first. If you are an especially busy person, you should be utilizing a to-do list or agenda because it improves productivity and organization.
  4. Do the biggest thing on that list first: After you create this list, you should look at the largest task on the list and start there. When you accomplish the big things in the morning, the rest of this list will seem simple. Always start with the bigger bumps, then move into the smaller things and you will see results.
  5. Get ready: So, you woke up late and decide to throw on some sweats and head to class or wherever. Well, in my opinion, I think this is a bad idea because then your mind is in “lazy mode” all day. Getting ready does not have to take hours and fancy clothes, it just takes a little planning and motivation. People always ask me “how can you wake up and look nice everyday.” For me, getting ready is part of the morning routine, the way I dress makes me feel more confident in myself and it sets the tone for that day. Getting ready pertains to washing your face, brushing your teeth, getting dressed (casually) and maybe throwing on a light amount of make up. These minor things can change your whole day instantly. I always say ” you never know who you’ll meet that day, why not dress for the part?”

Since this is an early morning post and it’s the beginning of a new week, I have decided to do a round-up of some perfect quotes for a Monday morning:


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It’s your choice to make today amazing; you can start the day with a positive mindset or you can dread Monday and create negativity, the choice is yours. These are just a few of my favorite quotes to start a new day with, they motivate me to make the day great. Not included in the tips above, but equally important to your morning, is adding quotes or positive words to the environments around you. I love put quotes in my agenda at the start of each week, and at my desk, I have quotes all around. This creates a positive work environment for me.

I hope this post can encourage you to make the best of your mornings, especially on Monday’s. I know the struggle is real at this point in the year, but stay positive and optimistic, things will work out. I wish you the best this week and I know you will accomplish all the goals that you set for yourself. I’d love to hear what your favorite quote or morning ritual is on social media or in the comments below. Don’t forget to subscribe and follow PY&M on Twitter & Instagram. Thanks for reading this morning!

Happy Monday Cuties.

xo, Lyss