Hello Beautiful Babes,

I could not pick just one topic to celebrate my 22nd Birthday, so here is the second post in my mini Birthday series.

Your 20’s can be fun, confusing, magical, lonely…you get it! I’ve only experienced the beginning stages of being in my 20’s but I figured a few affirmations never hurt. As I navigate my career and relationships, these little notes-to-self have helped me through some rough days or situations. I can get wrapped up in my thoughts and worry too much about the future. It’s okay to step back and take some time for yourself.

Your 20’s are supposed to be the best years of your life, or so society tells us. There will definitely be some high moments, but there will also be a few rough patches along the way. It’s part of learning and growing into the magical being you are meant to be. 

Let me share a few affirmations to get you through the most definitive yet fun decade of your life:

  1. You are enough.
  2. Social Media does not measure your worth.
  3. You’re dreams are possible, if you hustle hard.
  4. You don’t have to have it all figured out.
  5. Don’t let your past define you.
  6. Trust your gut.
  7. Friendships don’t always last forever.
  8. Be patient! (I’m still perfecting this one…)
  9. It’s okay if something doesn’t work out, it wasn’t meant to be.
  10. Be optimistic about the future.
  11. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself.
  12. Take care of your body.
  13. You may not get your dream job right away, and that’s okay.
  14. Take the picture
  15. Be yourself, like actually.
  16. You’ve got this!
  17. You deserve to be loved unconditionally, don’t settle for anything less.
  18. Live in the moment more often.
  19. Everyone’s journey is different, don’t judge your success based off someones else’s.
  20. You are never alone, even if you feel that way.
  21. Things will get easier.
  22. You are beautiful.

In my 22 years, I’ve experienced many challenges and many accomplishments, all in which have taught me something. I’ve had rough days where it feels as though things will not see through, and I’ve had amazing days that leave me filled with laughter and joy. Through all these moments, I’ve collected and created this list of affirmations that have helped me remain positive through the good and the bad.

Sometimes, we just need to refocus our energy and remind ourselves that we’re doing okay. In a digital world that makes us feel small sometimes, we have to take time to notice our personal greatness and allow our light to shine.

I’m so blessed to have this platform to share my experiences, insight and inspiration with all of you. It’s honestly one of my biggest passions to write and create content for you, and for people to connect with. I really hope these little mantras find some way to help you. All your support and love has encouraged so much joy and positivity in my life.

Thank you for reading PYM! Today marks the 2nd anniversary of Pretty, Young & Motivated. Once again, I’m so happy to have the opportunity to share my perspective with all of you beautiful humans.

xo, Lyss