Hello Cuties,

Ever feel like things aren’t going your way? Do you ever throw yourself a pity party? Well, trust me, I know how that goes. Sometimes we just get in a funk, and it feels like nothing good is coming our way. This is common towards the end of the semester as we begin to approach summer. Lately, I have realized a lot of negativity running through my life. As we know, the way we think can impact our surroundings; and honestly, I have been throwing a pity party for myself these days.

Well, after some thought and a few inspirational quotes, I decided to figure out what my problem was. Why am I feeling like this? So, I created a list of things I am going to stop doing and stop allowing to take up mental space. I thought I would share this list with you as well:

  1. Stop comparing: This is number one for a reason. Stop comparing yourself to others, you are not them and they are not you. You cannot expect to be in their place when you do not even know the challenges they may have had to go through to get there. Everyone has a story that shapes them, wishing to be someone else won’t make things better, it will just inhibit you from achieving your own goals. Sure, look up to people and gather ideas on how you will make the most of your life, but don’t compare your chapter 1 to someone else chapter 15.
  2. Stop worrying about what’s next: I am the worst at this one, it’s always about what’s next. What about right now? Why not live for now and let life work on its own. Yes, make goals and plans but if they fail to turn out, don’t give up. Everything will work out how it’s supposed to, so don’t create unnecessary worry in your mind.
  3. Stop negative thoughts: Easier said than done. Block out all negative thoughts and people. Negativity only creates a toxic environment for you. Life is a little bit easier when you are positive, good things start to come your way and people can’t hate someone who is always positive. Your positivity will start to spread to others as well!
  4. Stop being selfish: Now this does not mean neglect self-love, y’all know I am a proud supporter of self-love. Stop being selfish means stop only thinking about yourself in your relationships. Friendship is made up of give and take, when you think about the people you interact with, think about what they may want. This includes friends, family and even strangers. Understand where they may be coming from and be supportive.
  5. Stop giving up: Stop giving up on things that don’t work out on the first try. I know how easy it may be to give up and move on, but if something is important to you, you shouldn’t give up on it. Things won’t always work out on the first try. The path to success is not straight, so you must anticipate a few challenges before you reach your goals. Don’t give up yet!
  6. Stop hating your body: I know you may not be where you’d like to be with your “body goals” but stop degrading yourself. Take care of yourself and be healthy, but don’t be ashamed of your shape. Everyone is given a different body, relating back to number one, don’t compare your look to someone else’s. Just love yourself and be proud of the skin you’re in.
  7. Stop wasting your time: Stop wasting your time on things that don’t matter. It is easy to get carried away on a Netflix binge or caught up on pointless drama, but stop spending your time on things that don’t benefit you or make you happy. Life is too short to waste time on things that aren’t making you happy.
  8. Stop making an excuse: Every day we wake up, we have the option to live life to the fullest that day or just go through the motions. When you make excuses, you are prohibiting yourself from greatness. You cannot grow or become the person you want if you continue to make excuses for yourself. Don’t make excuses, make moves!

Life is too short to be wasting your precious time on silly things, focus more on the good and less on what’s not working. Working on stopping some of these actions will not only give you peace of mind, but it will also free up some mental space for positive and happy thoughts. Don’t let these things hold you back from greatness. You must seize every day and learn to let the little things go.

This list is just one I came up with on my own, but you should think about creating one for yourself. I made this list based off my current life, so maybe creating your own can give you a better perspective of where you want to be. Before I made this list, I made a list of my short term goals, then I thought about how I would go about achieving them and what I had to stop doing in order to do so.

Thank you all so much for reading today’s post! Please share this with your friends and family. You can subscribe on the right side of the page to receive updates on my posts. It is Monday and it is a new week, so wake up and kick ass. If you’re a student, 3-4 more weeks left in this semester…YOU CAN DO IT!

Happy Monday!

xo, Lyss